GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,470 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. As a first excuse for my bad English :) google translator ^^
    Is it possible to include a search function with which you can search items in the shop?
  2. +1
    anyone have an idea?
  3. Does this plugin currently handle blueprints?

    if so, how do you add them to the config file?
  4. [​IMG]
    i want to know how to add category button like this but,i don't know how to do it
    plz somebody help me
  5. I add sell kit in GUIShop.
    "noob kit": {
          "buy": "150",
          "cmd": ["kit give $ zmd"],
          "cooldown": "10",
          "img": "",
          "sell": "-1"
    but "Command 'kit give $ zmd' not found "

  6. use this

    "cmd": ["spawn horse \"$player.x $player.y $player.z\"" ],
  7. Ok for some reason the default config wasn't working and it showed up empty so i've edited a config of someone that was posted here and now it works.

    Here is a simple GUIShop.json for anyone having the same problems, It only has basic resources so its easy to see

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2018
  8. Error in code
    "Command 'kit give $ zmd' not found "

    To Fix:
    Use GivePlugin

    should be
    "inv.giveplayer $ kit zmd"

    Item Code
     "ItemsName": {
     "buy": "1000",
     "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit NameOfKit"],
    "cooldown": "60",
     "sell": "1"
    NPC code
    "NPCID": {
    "buy": [
    "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend with the ShopName",
          "name": "ShopName",
          "sell": []
    By leaving the item out of the "sell": [] it will have no sell to NPC option
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2018
  9. No, it's still error.

    "test": {
          "buy": "2000",
          "img": "",
          "cooldown": "1",
          "cmd": [
            "inv.giveplayer $ kit test"
          "sell": "-1"
    (05:42:57) | Command 'inv.giveplayer 76561198032634348 kit test' not found
    (05:42:57) | [GUIShop] Player: 5对负重轮fivedui Buyed command: test
  10. did you install Give Plugin?
    inv.giveplayer don't work for me without plugin either I had to install
    Give For Rust
    Per exact Give Plugin oxerview
    Kits (requires Kits):
    - inv.giveplayer "Mughisi" "kit" => will show me the list of all avaible kits
    - inv.giveplayer "Mughisi" "kit" "starter" => will give Mughisi a kit starter
    Usable with /give and inv.give
    Not yet with inv.giveall ... but soon
    you maybe try install Give Plugin and in F1 command test with
    inv.giveplayer YourSteamID kit test

    my exact code that is working

          "KickAssDuds": {
          "buy": "1000",
                "img": "",
          "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit KickAssDuds"],
    "cooldown": "86400",
     "sell": "1"
    Note please:
    As natural I have made a kit name KickAssDuds 1st with Kit Plugin and set it to
    /kit add KickAssDuds
    /kit authlevel 2
    /kit items
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2018
  11. Allright guys,

    I hope you will be able to help me out. I've read most of the thread but can't find a solution to this...

    Basically I want an NPC to sell kits , we will make this one easy, I have a kit called 10kmetal
    npc number is 1327323011

    I have tested the kit with /kit and with the command inv.giveplayer and all is working.

    Now when i put that kit in my GUIShop.json file i get this in the console "[GUIShop] Failed to load ShopCategory: 10kmetal Error: Cannot cast from source type to destination type"

    Here are my 2 sections, the shop categories :

    "10kmetal": {
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"],
    "sell": [""]

    Then in the Shop List :

    "1327323011": {
    "buy": [
    "description": "Welcome to the Mats Vendor . You currently have {0} coins ",
    "name": "Mats Vendor",
    "sell": [ ""]

    any ideas ?

    Thanks in advance !

  12. u need this plugin if u dont have it Give
  13. Hey buddy,

    yes i do have the give plugin, like i stated in my message i have tried in console the give command and it works...
  14. try this: rename to this

    "10k Metal": {
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"],
    "sell": ""
    "1327323011": {
    "buy": [
    "10k Metal",
    "description": "Welcome to the Mats Vendor . You currently have {0} coins ",
    "name": "Mats Vendor",
    "sell": [ ]
    i think because your kit have the same name as the command.
  15. If you look carefully, the kit has no space it's "10kmetal" and in the json file it's "10k metal" so they are not the same.

    But i will play with the names for argument sakes.
    Changed the name so the kit name is different and still the same....
  16. for me works, your command in GUIShop need diffrent as the kit name as example

    "10k Metal": { <---- This GUIShop command need diffrent name as the Kit Name
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"], <--- Kit name is ok let it
    "sell": ""

    "1327323011": {
    "buy": [
    "10k Metal", <---- and here comes the GUIShop command not the name of the kit
    "description": "Welcome to the Mats Vendor . You currently have {0} coins ",
    "name": "Mats Vendor",
    "sell": [ ]


    i get this error just if i use the same name in kit and guishop comamnd

    "10kmetal": { <--- if this same as the kit name
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"],
    "sell": ""
  17. dude, they are not the same name can't you see the SPACE in the first and last ? the kit name is "10kmetal" but the GUISHOP is "10kSPACEmetal"Boy... so "10kmetal" and "10k Metal" it's not the same lol...Nevertheless i have changed it to "TEST" and it still says the same, it's not that.
  18. dont be rude, i try just to help u

    have u remove this [ ] from your command you post this
    "10kmetal": {
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"],
    "sell": [""]
    into this:

    "10kmetal": {
    "buy": "2000",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit 10kmetal"],
    "sell": "" <--- HERE
  19. Hey buddy ,

    I know i'm not trying to be rude just that you didn't understand it so i needed a way to make you understand so we dont spend too much time on it and i appreciate your help

    And guess what, it was those [] . I have no friggin clue why that came up there but it works, your Brilliant, thank-you so much !!!!
  20. @Krazy J - I was curious, I would like to split up the items to certain NPCs from your GUIShop list, would I just take the spots like "Commands" "Weapons" etc and replace with the NCP IDs? Or how would I go about doing that?

    Thanks in advance!