
GrTeleport allows teleportation using the map grid reference. It can also tell your where you died.

Total Downloads: 2,855 - First Release: Oct 29, 2017 - Last Update: Apr 7, 2018

5/5, 10 likes
  1. something wrong with teleport? going to wrong place!
  2. Yeah, I know, I'll look at it this weekend.
  3. I think Facepunch straight-up changed the grid layout/calc. I clearly remember going to one sector all the time and the letters/numbers have changed.
  4. Yes, I am aware.
  5. Not judging! Appreciate the work on the mod, it makes teleporting much easier. :)
  6. carny666 updated GrTeleport with a new update entry:


  7. Thank you
  8. players are saying too hot they cant teleport
  9. What is your MaxTemperatureForTeleport set to?
  10. Border disconnecting: NullReferenceException PrefabInfo.SetBehaviourEnabled (Boolean state) PrefabInfo.EnterPool () PrefabPool.Push (.PrefabInfo info) PrefabPoolCollection.Push (UnityEngine.GameObject instance) GameManager.Retire (UnityEngine.GameObject instance) DecorPatch.DestroyInstances () DecorPatch.Spawn () DecorSpawn+<UpdateCoroutine>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

    Straight after teleportation with the latest update.
  11. Okay.. can you tell me how to re-create the problem? That stack trace doesn't help.
  12. The ticket I recieved "GRT Updated, Had Border do a test for me, said it worked. As he came back he got disconnect: NRE. Not sure if it's related to the mod or something else"
  13. how do i stop this plugin from triggering flyhack kick?
  14. will test this laters - thanks for the update carny666
  15. Players teleport without delay and waiting. I dont know what to do. I just update plugin, and after delete config, configure him, and cooldown is not return back. Help, please!
  16. I have not run into this yet.
    Please post your config file.
  17. Code:
      "AllowableWaterDepth": 1.0,
      "AllowBuildingBlocked": false,
      "AvoidWater": true,
      "CooldownInSeconds": 300,
      "DisplayDeathLocation": true,
      "DistanceToWarnConstructions": 15,
      "groupData": {},
      "LimitPerDay": 50,
      "MaxTemperatureForTeleport": 39.0,
      "MinHealthForTeleport": 40.0,
      "MinHungerForTeleport": 40.0,
      "MinTemperatureForTeleport": 0.0,
      "MinThirstForTeleport": 40.0,
      "RestrictedZones": "ZZZ123,YYY666",
      "SecondsBeforeTeleport": 10
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2018
  18. Is it possible the user has grt admin granted?
  19. PLEASE add: not possible to /grt from building block!
  20. Maybe go changed something bexbeca it used to work. I'll check.