
GrTeleport allows teleportation using the map grid reference. It can also tell your where you died.

Total Downloads: 2,855 - First Release: Oct 29, 2017 - Last Update: Apr 7, 2018

5/5, 10 likes
  1. "SecondsBeforeTeleport": 30

    set this option to the above time in seconds, and still teleports you in 10 seconds.
    Reloaded a few times and it doesn't change. :)

    Edit: Maybe figured it out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2018
  2. carny666 updated GrTeleport with a new update entry:


    i try.
    Sorry.. i think maybe I fixed it. i need to test it i don't have the means atm.
  3. Yes @carny666 I believe I figured it out. :)
    ok, nvm I don't have it fixed. lol

    Still have this set, "SecondsBeforeTeleport": 30" and still says 10 seconds before teleport. I've tried editing the .cs before loading and reloading a few times. nothing is changing that time.

    confirmed with a player just now.

    Goos News though, There is no more canteleport errors spamming with the newest version 1.1.8 ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2018
  4. can anyone confirm that this work now?
  5. Works for me, no console errors
  6. Thanks!
  7. carny666 updated GrTeleport with a new update entry:


  8. Thanks for the fix.
  9. This is what I get with the new version (never tried it on old version), when trying to teleport to a grid reference that doesn't exist. :) not a big deal, but fyi for you.

    (13:49:58) | [Oxide] 15:50 [Error] Failed to run a 0.00 timer in 'GrTeleport v1.1.10' (Exception: TeleportToGridReference GridIndexFromReference GridIndexFromReference 024 was not found in spawnGrid 1156)at Oxide.Plugins.GrTeleport.TeleportToGridReference (.BasePlayer player, System.String gridReference, Boolean avoidWater) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Plugins.GrTeleport+<chatCommandGrt>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  10. I'll remove the error output and send a message to the user in the next version.
  11. Thanks
  12. I have a player getting "You are too hot (29.92917>0) to be teleported, cool off" however, they are in the snow biome, have no indicator about heat. I try it from the same place and it works fine.
  13. That's weird. I'ma check the code this afternoon and get back to you. Pm me your server, if you don't mind. Maybe I can try there.
  14. K, I'd have to give you permissions though. Not everyone has access to the plugin.

    I couldn't duplicate it myself. It was only affecting one player. To fix it temporarily I disabled the code for checking temperature.
  15. @carny666 Hello, i just wonder where is that constant of .0066666666666667 came from ? :)
  16. Please check you config for MaxTemperatureForTeleport

    here's mine:

    "AllowableWaterDepth": 1.0,
    "AllowBuildingBlocked": false,
    "AvoidWater": true,
    "CooldownInSeconds": 15,
    "DisplayDeathLocation": true,
    "DistanceToWarnConstructions": 15,
    "groupData": {},
    "LimitPerDay": -1,
    "MaxTemperatureForTeleport": 39.0,
    "MinHealthForTeleport": 40.0,
    "MinHungerForTeleport": 40.0,
    "MinTemperatureForTeleport": 0.0,
    "MinThirstForTeleport": 40.0,
    "RestrictedZones": "ZZZ123,YYY666",
    "SecondsBeforeTeleport": 30
    I'm not sure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2018
  17. Yeah, that was set to default at 39.

    Now that the server has had a reboot and it's been a few days, I'm going to uncomment the temp lines in the plugin and have the person test. I'll let you know if the issue for him still exists.
    Actually I just checked. Mine was set to 38. I set it to 39 if that matters. My guess is the message was saying the player was around 30 temperature so... shouldn't matter, but regardless. I'm going to ask him to test when he has a chance.
  18. Group config overrides default.. i would imagine you looked at that.
  19. helpme please
    oxide.grant user username GrTeleport.admin
    I do not know how to put the permissions
    user???? what do I put?
    username, my steam name?
    to give me permission to use the mod