

Total Downloads: 21,434 - First Release: Oct 21, 2014 - Last Update: Mar 9, 2017

5/5, 35 likes
  1. Oh okay thank you very much!
  2. no worries
  3. To answer my own question, yes. You have to use pluigin RemoveAAA and copy and paste 2 empty methods. If you have any questions on what to do, check here.
  4. [03/09/2017 17:07:55] Error while compiling: Give.cs(335,35): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsConnected' cannot be used as method or delegate
  5. Me too... several plugins, including lustymap, heliride, playerchallenges, copypaste, rainoffire etc
    [DOUBLEPOST=1489096998][/DOUBLEPOST]there is an oxide update, trying that
    [DOUBLEPOST=1489097070][/DOUBLEPOST]nope :s cant connect to the server at all now
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Give with a new update entry:


  7. thanks Wulf, for fixing all those. You rock
  8. Thanks wulf!
    So I'm trying to give people kits : /give dylan kit component <- Example, it either says: Available kits to give (no kits are listed) or no player found.
    Any idea what I did wrong?
    Thanks in advance
  9. Hi there, okay I'm new to this server stuff. Through Rusty I am able to give my self a small furnace but not a large. Can someone help? Thanks
  10. Is there any permissions for this plugin? When I give people owner, it says they don't have permission to use that command. Whats wrong?
  11. I might be in the wrong thread, I dont know. But when in game, I am able to give myself a small furnace by going through menus by highlighting myself on the list then give item. Say 1000 wood, small furnace etc but I tried large furnace and nothing shows in my inventory. I just read that the Rusty Rcon tool is broken, is there an easier program to use? As my F1 console doesnt do anything either. I really want to give this server a chance and learn something new but it certainly is taken the fun out of the game lol. Thanks for the reply
  12. Does anyone have an updated list for the rust items? I cant find gears anywhere.
  13. plugin should be updated with a permission so u can asign it to other groups aswell
  14. How do i give myself permission as the owner to use this
  15. Why cant i give c4 or something else to myself ?. i tryd to use : /give Explosive Charge 1 or /give Rocket Launcher 1 but still it says item doesn't exist. cant you make a full list of the items and upload it on the website so everyone can download it and it would be easier to overvieuw the list for the /give command.
  16. Can i give only to a usergroup? like inv.givegroup "group" "kit/item" ? to redeem Vips gifts or something like that when i want?, thanks
  17. Can anyone help me out? For some reason /give will not work on my server.
  18. Not working for me either.
  19. Would this be updated sometime so that commands like:-

    /giveme "Thompson BP"
    will work again? Spawning the BP versions of items would be very useful.

    Thanks. :)
  20. Getting a notice saying No Players when trying to give items