

Total Downloads: 21,434 - First Release: Oct 21, 2014 - Last Update: Mar 9, 2017

5/5, 35 likes
  1. Does this show in chat so everyone else can see it or does it just give you items without saying anything?
  2. Only I can see the Message!
    The Plugin give´s me NOTHING, it say´s only, that iám not allowed to use this Command.

    ownerid was set
    iám added to the group admin

    But, WHAT´s the Permission Name for Give? I can´t find it in the description...
    So, tha Admin group does not have the Permission to use it?
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not that I know of, pretty sure it just gives.

    It uses Rust's owner (auth level 2) for command access.
  4. naaaaahhh.... hääääää?!

    "authLevel": {
    "give": 1,
    "giveall": 2,
    "givekit": 1

    I´am set as OWNER.... with command "ownerid XXXXXXXX OWNER (<- Reason)

    if i would use the admin group for the authlevel, which number i have to type in? for ALL three Options
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This plugin doesn't use permissions, so it wouldn't use the admin group. The "ownerid" in Rust is auth level 2. If the plugin doesn't recognize you as being an owner, then you are not setup as owner.
  6. Can't seem to get inv.giveplayer "name" "kit" "4tier" to work? Says "kit" doesn't exist.

    Got it to work by removing the quotation marks around kit.
  7. giveall giving only 1 person
  8. yup im having the same problem.
  9. i used to be an undercover owner before but now i cant give myself items without being owner. before i didnt have to be owner.. sooo like how do you explain that?
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  11. all im getting is im not allowed to use this mod and im the owner
  12. Hi,

    I am quite new to Rust / Oxide admin, I have set up /giveme and everything works as should however I am having trouble understand the permission levels. Please could someone explain if I have to put cangive in the permissions on oxide groups or will mods and admins get access to /giveme as default? Does the auth levels on /giveme marry up with the auth levels on oxide groups for example 4 for owner?

    I have tried looking for help regarding this but either I am struggling to understand some aspects or I just need to get more trial and error experience on a test server.

    Bondi @

    P.S /giveme is working for admins and mods now, just need a clearer understanding of permissions and how they work with plugins.
  13. is there anyway to give people a weapon or piece of clothing with a skin?
  14. I have a user who used to have access to give via the virtue of being a mod. I have removed their mod status, and checked their perms, and as far as I can see, they do not have any access to this, and yet they are still able to use it.

    User 'xxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)' permissions: quicksmelt.allow,, autogrades.all,, nteleportation.tpb, autodoors.allowed User xxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)' groups: default

    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100
    [Give] GIVE: xxxx used inv.giveplayer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ammo.rifle 100

    (name and steamID edited, obviously)
    Plugin has been reloaded, server has been reloaded, ALL plugins reloaded again...
  15. Is there a plugin out there that would allow players to spawn in items using the item list??? I don't want players to be able to ban each other and do other stuff authlevels permit, but I want them to be able to spawn in items using the item list. Thanks

  16. nm found it,, there was a second place where mod permissions are written
  17. How would I make it that right when a player joins either by getting killed and respawning or 1st joining into the server they spawn with a Stone Axe and Stone Pickaxe instead of a rock and torch?
  18. You need to use the KIT plugin and set an autokit