

Total Downloads: 18,009 - First Release: Jun 8, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 56 likes
  1. 01:04 [Info] [FancyDrop] Builtin Airdrop removed
    01:04 [Error] Failed to run a 10.00 timer in 'FancyDrop v1.1.1' (InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object)
    01:04 [Debug] at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[LootSpawn] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.FancyDrop.<OnServerInitialized>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2. Yep, comes ftom the 'ad.cleanup' command. Thought i did fix it.
    At which version were you running when the error occured?
  3. I'm using the latest version (1.1.1). Thanks for your work. c:
  4. I'll try to fix it wtih next update tomorrow
  5. Preview to a "Multiple Crate" function:
  6. I just pee my pants :) Good work man!
  7. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


    Exchange your pants and try this out :p
  8. Hello
    When I loot an airdrop . Everyone loot with me
  9. Problem is, I changed my pants, instaled or updated and pee my second pants :D Thanx man again nice job and thanx for adding thopse requested things ;)
  10. Btw can you add option or something to have also posibility in lang file to change
    "msgDropSignal": "Someone ordered an Airdrop",
    "msgDropSignal": "PLayer ordered an Airdrop to position X Y Z",
    or how can I add it to show or to have posibility to show this? :)

    also got this error after reload
    (21:10:39) | [Oxide] 21:10 [Error] Failed to run a 10.00 timer in 'FancyDrop v1.2.0' (InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object)
    (21:10:39) | [Oxide] 21:10 [Debug]   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[LootSpawn] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.FancyDrop.<OnServerInitialized>m__1 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Also another request that was brought up tonight, can you add to config to set true or fallse to the blinking light to blink even on the ground when it drops?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2016
  11. Hi Brko, I'll try so get it all fixed/updated/implemented.
    You mean the message appearing? This can be disabled by config...

      "Notification": {
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about landed Drop": 1000,
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about looted Drop": 1000,
        "Notify a player about incoming Drop to his location": true,
        "Notify a player about spawned Drop at his location": true,
        "Notify console at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
        "Notify console when a Drop is being looted": true,
        "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
        "Notify players at Massdrop": true,
        "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop": true,
        "Notify players when a Drop is being looted": true,  <<<<<<<<<<<<<
        "Notify players when Drop is landed about distance": true,
        "use GUI Announcements at Drop by SupplySignal": false,
        "use GUI Announcements at Massdrop": false,
        "use GUI Announcements at Random/Timed Drop": false
    I willl give here next time more options...
  12. To Stop it flashing once landed?
    The whole function is currently working in this way:

    When its drops AND it's night, the light will be activated, and either deactivated( and removed ) at beeing looted OR when the Time of DAY switches to Day. When it's dropped while it's Day, the light will be activated at becoming night, if not looted before or despawned.

    I understand the question to deactivate (per switch) the flashlight once grounded, right?
  13. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  14. Yes :) just add possibility to set if on ground before loot start true (lights on), false (lights off when hits the ground ;)
  15. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  16. Another request: Can you add ability to show in console (not F1 but via ex. RUSTY) messages for plane when they release/drop to print in console: "Supply drop (timed/ supply drop/ massdrop) was spawned on coords X Y Z" and when it colides with ground to print in console same message but just to say "Airdrop landed on X Y Z" ? :) would help alot - great would be to have them in lang file ;)
  17. I'll implement those after i finished my current BetterLoot Rework, taking most of my time
  18. Take your time mate no problem ;)
  19. for some reason when a player begins to loot airdrop in chat says that I began to loot. it is possible as that to fix it? config file did not change
  20. That you began? It will show only once per Drop when its first being looted. you can disble droploot msg in config:

    EDIT: Found the Wrong part in the code, i'll correct this...

     "Notification": {
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about landed Drop": 1000,
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about looted Drop": 1000,
        "Notify a player about incoming Drop to his location": true,
        "Notify a player about spawned Drop at his location": true,
        "Notify console at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
        "Notify console when a Drop is being looted": true,
        "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
        "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal including Coords ": false,
        "Notify players at Massdrop": true,
        "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop": true,
        "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop including Coords": false,
        "Notify players when a Drop is being looted": true, // <<<<<<<< Set to false
        "Notify players when Drop is landed about distance": true,
        "use GUI Announcements at Drop by SupplySignal": false,
        "use GUI Announcements at Massdrop": false,
        "use GUI Announcements at Random/Timed Drop": false
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016