

Total Downloads: 18,009 - First Release: Jun 8, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 56 likes
  1. On latest version? its no hacking, its by design of early versions, don't worry
  2. Is there by chance a command to despawn the airdrop crates manually?

    I can't really account for the perfect-storm of conditions that caused this to happen (not the plugins fault though), but we've got an empty crate just sitting there, that's been empty for several hours and multiple server restarts, still showing on the map, that will no go away lol. I believe it had dropped just before a restart whereinafter I changed the config (maybe what screwed it up) but regardless, rogue crate won't despawn xD It's just sitting there. Watching me. And driving me slowly insane.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. The plugin does delete all drops on every start, but only those, which are 'active' gameobjects.
    you could try in console to run
    del "Assets/Prefabs/Misc/Supply Drop/supply_drop.prefab"
    this should remove this
  4. Right now, I'm having a problem with crate slots. This is my config for crates & loot:
      "Loot": {
        "Do not touch the slots and loot": true,
        "ItemSlots to use total - maximum": 4,
        "ItemSlots tp use total - minimum": 4
      "Crates": {
        "Crates maximum for MassDrops": 3,
        "Crates maximum for regular drops": 3,
        "Crates maxium for SupplySignal": 3,
        "Crates minimum for MassDrops": 1,
        "Crates minimum for regular drops": 1,
        "Crates minimum for SupplySignal": 1,
        "Gap between each crate": 50,
        "Override crate limits": false,
        "Randomize crates for Massdrop": true,
        "Randomize crates for regular drops": true,
        "Randomize crates for SupplySignal": false
    But, when I test it out I get 4 visible slots and there are 3 more slots that have loot in it, but not showing up that its there unless you click on the empty slots and drag items to inventory. How do I fix this so that there is only 4 slots with loot in it?
  5. "Do not touch the slots and loot": true, <<< false

    true does change nothing and the loot is maximum 6 slots/items, but random
  6. as I do to fall 3 supply automated , always only drop one automated. help me!
  7. Which command and what did you expect on this to be dropped?
  8. need 3 suply drops in one air automated is posible?
  9. Code:
     "Crates": {
        "Crates maximum for MassDrops": 3,
        "Crates maximum for regular drops": 3, // <<<
        "Crates maxium for SupplySignal": 3,
        "Crates minimum for MassDrops": 1,
        "Crates minimum for regular drops": 1,
        "Crates minimum for SupplySignal": 1,
        "Gap between each crate": 50,
        "Override crate limits": false,
        "Randomize crates for Massdrop": true,  
        "Randomize crates for regular drops": false, // << this to false will use MAXIMUM
        "Randomize crates for SupplySignal": true
  10. not working only drop one supply
    [DOUBLEPOST=1467493615][/DOUBLEPOST]"Crates": {
    "Crates maximum for MassDrops": 5,
    "Crates maximum for regular drops": 3,
    "Crates maxium for SupplySignal": 1,
    "Crates minimum for MassDrops": 5,
    "Crates minimum for regular drops": 3,
    "Crates minimum for SupplySignal": 1,
    "Gap between each crate": 50,
    "Override crate limits": false,
    "Randomize crates for Massdrop": true,
    "Randomize crates for regular drops": false,
    "Randomize crates for SupplySignal": true
  11. only one command drops always one supply:
    chat: /droptoplayer
    console: ad.toplayer

    all others depend on the above settings.
    which comand do you mean what drops only 1 crate?
  12. newbie here. how do i make the smoke from the supply signal go away faster?
  13. Currently not more included by plugin. I had problems to control it 100% working correctly. I will re-include it when i've found a stable solution.
  14. not men not sorry my bad english. im waiting 30 min for airdrop and only drop one supply im need airdrop drop 3 supply every 30 min and my configuration not working

    "Airdrop": {
    "Air resistance (fallspeed) - 2.0 is default": 1.0,
    "Default radius for location based massdrop": 100,
    "Delay between Massdrop plane spawns": 0.33,
    "Drop despawn time in minutes": 10,
    "Massdrop default plane amount": 5,
    "Prefab effect to use": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab",
    "Use special effect at reaching ground position": true
    "Crates": {
    "Crates maximum for MassDrops": 5,
    "Crates maximum for regular drops": 3,
    "Crates maxium for SupplySignal": 1,
    "Crates minimum for MassDrops": 1,
    "Crates minimum for regular drops": 1,
    "Crates minimum for SupplySignal": 1,
    "Gap between each crate": 50,
    "Override crate limits": false,
    "Randomize crates for Massdrop": true,
    "Randomize crates for regular drops": true,
    "Randomize crates for SupplySignal": true
    "DropLight": {
    "Frequency for blinking": 0.25,
    "remove Light once landed": false,
    "Time for pause between blinking": 3.0,
    "use SupplyDrop Light": true
    "Generic": {
    "Admin messages color": "silver",
    "AuthLevel needed for console commands": 1,
    "Broadcast messages color": "white",
    "Chat/Message prefix": "ExtremeWorld Airdrop:",
    "GUI Announce command": "announce.announce",
    "Prefix color": "cyan",
    "Prefix format": "<color={0}>{1}</color>: ",
    "Radius for random zone around SupplySignal": 15.0,
    "Use of random dropzone around SupplySignal": false
    "Loot": {
    "Do not touch the slots and loot": true,
    "ItemSlots to use total - maximum": 10,
    "ItemSlots tp use total - minimum": 10
    "Notification": {
    "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about landed Drop": 1000,
    "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about looted Drop": 1000,
    "Notify a player about incoming Drop to his location": true,
    "Notify a player about spawned Drop at his location": true,
    "Notify admins per chat about player who has thrown SupplySignal ": false,
    "Notify console at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
    "Notify console when a Drop is being looted": true,
    "Notify console when Drop is landed": false,
    "Notify console when Drop is spawned": false,
    "Notify console when Drop landed/spawned only at the first": true,
    "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
    "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal including Coords ": true,
    "Notify players at Massdrop": true,
    "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop": true,
    "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop including Coords": false,
    "Notify players when a Drop is being looted": true,
    "Notify players when Drop is landed about distance": true,
    "Notify Players who has thrown a SupplySignal": true,
    "Notify Players who has thrown a SupplySignal including coords": true,
    "use GUI Announcements at Drop by SupplySignal": true,
    "use GUI Announcements at Massdrop": true,
    "use GUI Announcements at Random/Timed Drop": true
    "Plane": {
    "Max random addition to height for planes": 100,
    "Multiplier for (plane height * highest point on Map); Default 1.0": 2.0,
    "Multiplier for overall flight distance; lower means faster at map": 1.25,
    "Plane speed": 70,
    "Use random additional height for planes": true
    "Timer": {
    "Cleanup old Drops at serverstart": true,
    "Maximum minutes for random timer delay ": 30,
    "Minimum minutes for random timer delay ": 25,
    "Minimum players for timed Drop": 2,
    "Remove builtIn Airdrop": true,
    "Use Airdrop timer": true

    only drop one supply
  15. Pre-Release tested version of FancyDrop for coming XP update, if anyone wants to test before:

    Attached Files:

  16. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  17. fujikura you can help me and my config? for drop automatic 3 supply in 30 min?
  18. Code:
      "Crates": {
        "Crates maximum for regular drops": 3,
        "Randomize crates for regular drops": false,
        "Timer": {
        "Maximum minutes for random timer delay ": 30,
        "Minimum minutes for random timer delay ": 30,
  19. only drop one! you can fix? you can add drops zones? and edit zone drop supplys map x x x
  20. Your requests need a bit more description, then i can help you and make a statement to any feature request :)