

Total Downloads: 18,016 - First Release: Jun 8, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 56 likes
  1. thank you i totally missed that, is my first oxide run server so some bits i didnt even realise where there.
  2. Having an issue, players who call in drops don't receive there drops, nor does the plane actually come.
  3. Same here.
  4. i dont normally use these plugins for airdrops ..but good work i like alot ..
  5. Does it happen on both left- and right-click to throw/activate the signal?
    Does the supply explode (create's smoke) and does show any enabled message on console or chat for incoming drop?
  6. I'll check next time it happens
  7. Can't confirm the issue. Did throw a lot of supplys, and each did call a plane and did show also infoes and so on.
  8. Hey

    I recently put in FancyDrop for Rust in my server. Booted up the server and saw it messing with my loot tables.
    After i removed FancyDrop, creates wont spawn.

    Appologies for my lack of information being provided but i'm writing this in quite a hurry

    Thanks a lot!
  9. FancyDrop does remove the inbuilt AirDrop by default. This can only be reverted by a server restart.
  10. It seems it removed the AirDrop as you said, and the general loot in radtowns. Creates and military boxes wont spawn. But now that i'm thinking over it, i'm not 100% sure FancyDrop caused the creates and military boxes to not spawn in radtowns.

    Solution: Reinstall server
  11. FancyDrop contains of no code with could touch or interference with any loot except the "supply_drop" container. You issue was sure mainly caused by any other plugin combination or server configuration.
  12. This is happening a lot on our server as well, ppl can call in planes and not all off them will come.
  13. Maybe more a configuration problem, which i do not check in the plugin...plz "upload/attach" your config file, not as "code" import.
  14. Some ppl did report, it does happen when the signal got sticked into wall...
    So actually the planes do not get the correct coordinates when the signal got sticked into wall and the switch
        "Disable SupplySignal randomization": true,
    is set to true.
    Mainly i cannot get around this issue, you might need to set the switch to "false".
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2016
  15. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  16. There used to be a drop speed setting (if I remember correctly) to control how fast the crate drops. I don't see that anymore in the config file and was wondering if there was any way to slow it's fall speed down. It falls way too fast.
  17. Ok I am giving this a try :)
  18. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  19. Airdrop Emtpy after Update to 2.3.0