

Total Downloads: 18,016 - First Release: Jun 8, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 56 likes
  1. With this plugin It seems like I am struggling a bit. So I installed your plugin on my server and it seems that whenever the default group and admins though a supply signal it seems that the plane just flys over without dropping any lootcrate, do you know if this is a common issue and if you can help me please. Thanks in advance
  2. I had this too at one time few weeks before, but only on using a config i've tested from someone having problems. Once i did remove that config and did let it create the default one, it worked fine again.
    So, did you make any changes and tried already then to revert the defaults and tested again?
  3. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


  4. thank you for this great update ..sounds good.
  5. It is :p
  6. Alright so i configured it im assuming i did it correctly, yet its still dropping default airdrop loot from my supply signal (that im testing out with) Any idea?
    its probably something really stupid, but it happens with the BetterLoot aswell. @Fujikura

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2016
  7. any idea on when there will be a update on this plugin reflecting todays server update ?
  8. If you tell me what it should reflect I could take a look over it...
    But got no response from any site that its broken or damaged so far :)
  9. Hi, it's the static item list which isn't being called by Supply Signals.
  10. Yours's was already on the checklist :p
  11. Hi there @Fujikura

    Maybe Stoner__Minded was trying to ask for an update on the new Component System

    Also i was wondering if there was any Item List with the acepted names of all sort of things (including the new componets)
  12. No°1: The simple magic behind is, FancyDrop consists of no code related to loot or item categories and also nothing hardcoded stuff of that part.

    No°2: The OxideAPI does provide this since ages, and also its auto updated on every change :)
    Oxide API for Rust
  13. Oh thanks a lot this will be handful ill check this out, thanks again man
  14. yea sorry , didnt really word that to well, glad someone picked up on that i was referring to the component update , i was more or less trying to figure out how to add the new components into the airdrops , do i have to edit the json file and manually add each line item in there of what i want or is there a easier way that you could push me towards , anything helps , thanks.
  15. Simply delete "data/FancyDrop.json", on plugin reload that file will be recreated with new values.
  16. ok so i found the json file in data that has the new list of items , but do i need to manually add those into the config json file to get them to drop in game or are they automatically going to drop now ? how does that all work, ty for taking the time to answer my questions i am very new to this whole type of thing
  17. FancyDrop holds (if activated) for each DropType a custom (static) itemlist, which could be activated and changed(by contents), which then would be spawned into the container first. If there's then space left, it checks if you use the custom loot option, and would then spawn items from the list in the loottable filei mentioned. Othwerwise it would simply take items from the default lootables.

    I feel so far, the current entry barrier to getting loot to work with custom settings in FancyDrop is maybe a bit too high, and thinking already about some smarter/easier ways to get improved loot into it without academic knowlegde of how Rust works behind the scenes :)
  18. Does anybody have a fully vanilla config or a VERY-close-to-vanilla config that is usable?

    I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you for your help and for reading my post.
  19. The standard message when an airdrop has spawned, can this be changed at all as i love customomizing these types of things, i have tried already to customize this to display the message i would like but with no joy, it always seems to just keepin reverting back to the daily cargo text.
  20. How about the language file?