

Total Downloads: 13,846 - First Release: Nov 10, 2014 - Last Update: Jan 10, 2018

5/5, 43 likes
  1. Just seems a slow and tedious way of earning why not a you earn X amount for killing animals like the old Econ system
  2. I'm planning to port one of the plugins with money earned by animal killed, but sincerly, I don't seem any necessity of using this... players on my server are happy to have economy flowing with robbery, bank and buying/selling things.
    Also, which kind of animal would carry money for you? If you need more money, kill the animal and sell everything he drops, simple!
  3. Yes... but now your typing codes for days...
  4. Bombardir updated Economics with a new update entry:

    Transfer fee

  5. transfer not working anymore says you cannot transfer to yourself when trying to send to other players
  6. forgot to remove it after testing :)
  7. Have you guys seen ppl go into negative ? I have a few cases where ppl get -1723425436, no idea how that happened (the number is different for everyone, I have seen one in billions - )

  8. Wow... I do not know how they did it. I'll try to fix it
  9. I checked my lists on both servers... noone is in the negative here... and tried to get several players to spend more than they had and always says they need more money
  10. cant seem to get it to load or reload.
    [Oxide] 3:07 PM [Info] Loaded plugin Economics v1.5.2 by Bombardir
    [Oxide] 3:07 PM [Error] Failed to initialise plugin 00-Economics (A .NET exception occured in user-code)
  11. What version of Oxide u use?
  12. Oxide 2 Build 2.0.258
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update. That build is not compatible with the latest update for Economics.
  14. how do i make it so no one can see the admin commands?
  15. Bombardir updated Economics with a new update entry:

    API update

  16. I'm trying to plug into the Economics plugin to use the API for my current plugin in the works.

    I setup my init function like so:
        Init: function() {
            try {
                Econ = plugins.Find('00-Economics');
                if (Econ) {
                    print("Found Economics")
                    EconAPI = Economics.GetEconomyAPI();
                } else {
                    print("Economics not found!");
            } catch (e) {
    but when I try to get the API from the other plugin I get "Object has no method GetEconomyAPI" is there a different way to go about calling a lua global function through JavaScript?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You are changing the names of the API. Stick to one. ;)
                Econ = plugins.Find('00-Economics');
                    print("Found Economics")
                    EconAPI = Econ.GetEconomyAPI();
                    print("Economics not found!");