

Total Downloads: 2,052 - First Release: Jun 15, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 20, 2018

5/5, 19 likes
  1. i just remembered, can you make it settable so players can BET economic money?
  2. I've attached a version to test compatibility with TruePVE by using the same hook that TruePVE uses. @iDeath @Soulconsumer or anyone else interesting in testing it.

    Attached Files:

  3. Still having /shop problems
  4. This is with GUI Shop plugin correct?

    Ah right I forgot this is with Catalyics plugin. I sent him an email to see what we can do about this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2017
  5. @nivex a little problem
    You can't decline duel requests, example: player a sends a request to player b but player b wants to play with player c but he cant accept the invite from player c cuz he already has a invite from player a

    Maybe add a command like /duel deny to deny the request from player a

    2vs2, 3v3 and 4vs4
    the idea come already up a bit early in this thread and i thought how you could implement it if you want too,

    a player creates a party and invites other people, only the party leader can queue up and only he can send a request to other party's or accept a invite to a fight.
    Teams are always spawning together, config for team damage off/on
    Max party size 4 people? Or maybe possible with config?
    Every party size has their own queue

    Commands: (p = Party)
    /duel p create
    /duel p invite name
    /duel p disband
    /duel p kick
    /duel p namefromtheothergroup kitname
    /duel p accept
    /duel p deny
    /duel p queue

    You probably have a better idea how to implement it tho haha
  6. @hoppel

    Added '/duel decline' in next update. Waiting on a couple responses from testers before I push an update. The earliest update will be tomorrow.

    I like the idea of teams but it would require entirely new functions to handle players joining the zone, and determining who lost. I also have to consider if I want to write code to grant teams invisibility or not. I won't restrict teams to clans only so you'll be able to invite anyone on the server to join your team. I'll also have a command '/queue team 3' to join the queue to find a random 3v3 match. I'll work on this when I have more time.
  7. Hi, add block generates animals in arena.
  8. alright sounds good! thanks man for all the work <3

    first block of the config http://i.imgur.com/bRt7giE.png
  9. @hoppel, thanks, did not notice.
  10. Works pretty good! but can you set it up to ignore inventory? so it will just remove your inventory and give it back when you are teleported back? same way the event manager does things?
  11. I didn't add this because it can be abused. Guess I could make it optional.
  12. Also how about adding multiple people? like setting in the config how many players? the arena's are big and can easily fit 4 people.

    Also, we were testing it out on my server.. Me and a guy were queued and fighting.. there was one more in the queue... he won.. both were teleported out.. i thought the winner would remain and fight the next person in line?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2017
  13. There's a config setting for Players Per Zone. It's 10 by default. This is for 1v1 matches. Multiple 1v1 matches are allowed per zone since you can only see the player you are dueling.
  14. Yeah but i'm thinking some people might want to do a last man standing.. or team death match for example.. things like that.. normally its clans that gets pissed at each other.. fighting it off would be a good way to get shit sorted.

    Like coding wise, would it be very different adding multiple players at once? doesnt have to be team wars but just a last man standing sort of thing?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2017
  15. I have plans for team deathmatch. See above. I agree; that's why I wrote the plugin to begin with. :)
  16. Yeah would be sweet.. For the moment i'm using your plugin for 1vs1.. and event manager to setup team death match and last man standing.. but i think yours would work with all actually better... you already have the setup for a last man standing.. as the auto arenas are already big enough to handle more players.. the team death match would require coding tho.. auto sorting into team depending on friendslist or clan maybe.. or some way to select team.. different shirt per team to see who is on what team... turn off friendly fire.. hmm.. sounds pretty epic to me.
  17. I've tested my code in the attachment above for compatibility with TruePVE and, as suspected, it does not work in most cases. It will never work if TruePVE is loaded before Duelist because TruePVE hooks will be called before Duelist hooks are called. I also will not have Duelist reload the TruePVE plugin simply because the protection employed by TruePVE will be unavailable during the loading process. Therefore I've reached out a second time to the plugin author to add compatibility for Duelist.

    I started writing the code for the Deathmatch system yesterday and plan to have it ready sometime this week. I'm very busy with work so I will code when I have the time. So far the basic functionality for prepping teams is complete. So we're over half way there. Next, I have to add all messages to the language API, write code to give players their kits and everything accompanied with that, and add the command based system so the match can be created.
  18. Nice, if you want me to do some testing on my server, just let me know :) how would you do it with setting of teams? will it be random or dependent on friends/clans/auth sharing and so on?.. maybe use the same coding as you did for the betting protection?
  19. Exactly. I'm using the same coding used for betting protection to allow players to easily join a friends team.

    Team Deathmatch will be labelled as Good versus Evil.

    You use /duel tdm nivex

    If 'nivex' accepts challenge from 'cPed' then a deathmatch team is created.

    Once a deathmatch team is created then cPed will become the host for the Good team, and nivex will become the host for the Evil team. If either player leaves the match, or dies, then the next person in the team is assigned the host for said team.

    To join a hosted deathmatch team you can use two different methods:

    Method 1: /duel tdm password - where password is the randomly generated 5 character password assigned to each team. If the password is found, then the player will be assigned to that team. This password is private and therefore must be shared. This is the functionality so that any player on the server can join this team.

    Method 2: /duel tdm - this method will scan every deathmatch team and if the player is associated as a friend with the host then they will be assigned to that hosts team.

    Once both teams are full then the match will be put into a queue. The queue checks to see if any zones are available. Zones must be empty to be available. Once a zone becomes available the match will start instantly. Both teams are spawned in the same fashion as they are in dueling. At the furthest distance from each other and given 10 seconds of immunity. All of the players on the Good team are spawned at the same spawn point as the good teams host, and all players on the Evil team are spawned at the same spawn point as the evil team's host.

    Each team is given a colored shirt to represent their team. Player inventories for clothing will be locked during matches so they cannot remove their shirts. Optional friendly fire is available.
  20. i have noticed a bug where all animals will stand in place everywhere, i am trying to get it to revert back to fixxed methods. not surer what is causing it, thinking the config maybe.