

Total Downloads: 2,050 - First Release: Jun 15, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 20, 2018

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  1. Idk how I missed your post, sorry. Yeah, it can be done.

    For what you want to do:

    First, set Use Arena Wall Generation in config to false, since you said you don't need any. This will disable all walls from being created for any zone. I suggest leaving it true to keep players away from your arena and to help reduce confusion to your players.

    Next, set Create New Zone Every X Duels [0 = disabled] from 10 to 0 (zero) because you do not want your zone being deleted automatically.

    Make sure Zone Radius is configured to the radius of your arena as any custom spawn points created using Duelist will not work outside of the radius of its zones.

    Next, use /duel spawns add while looking at each spot you want a spawn point created at. You can alternatively use /duel spawns here to create one where you're standing.

    Once that's done then you can move to the center of your arena and use /duel custom while looking at something to create the center of the zone there.

    Once your zone is created it will update all buildings in it to use no stability. Therefore you, as an admin, can build anything you like. This will persist through server restarts.

    It is a complex plugin with so many config settings and commands, so you should read the overview to familiarize yourself with the plugin. Take notes, fiddle around with it. You'll get it.