

Total Downloads: 2,052 - First Release: Jun 15, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 20, 2018

5/5, 19 likes
  1. I don't know how. Find a plugin that has compatibility and I'll take a look to see how it's done.

    Trade is blocked already. If the shop or trade window opens then the hook isn't being called. Use the newest version of those plugins.

    Backpacks can't be blocked because there's no hook.
  2. nivex updated Duelist with a new update entry:


  3. Hello is it possible to have a config to set a Mac amount of duels per zone. And a max amount of dueling zones. So if you have one arena it will allow you to set it so duels take place one at a time. And unless set won't allow random creation of another zone to duel in... Thank you for everything. Your plug-in is a dream come true for.me. God bless you for releasing it.
  4. @nivex Need a nodecay flag on the duel zones, our Deekay plugin that eats things outside TC radius is eating duel zones. Deekay recognises nodecay zonemanager flags so maybe something like that could be implemented, thanks
  5. nice update @nivex ! was just about to to report 2-3 things from the list haha!

    i have another request, would it be possible to give the Kits % how often they come? example
    • python 10%
    • semirifle 20%
    • m249 10%
    • bow 10%
    • ak 50%
    i like the random kits but i would still prefer when they ak would come more often
  6. I'm hving it glitch every once in a while where it leaves 1 person stuck in the arena after the duel I have to turn duels off and on real quick to tp them out with the duel tp
  7. Alright I'll take a look in the morning
  8. Can you check server console and your logs for any thrown exceptions from the plugin? I don't see any code that would cause this to happen.
  9. I really like this idea. After running over 35,000 events the majority of players favor advanced weaponry over weapons such as bows and melee. They still like to use the lesser of the two but not as often. Now the question is how do I implement this in such a way that makes it easy for everyone to use?

    If I base it on the kit name, then it forces everyone to use the same kit names. This isn't practical since a lot of users already have existing kits to use with the plugin. I can't require them to rename their kits or create new ones. If I configure this for my custom kits then that would force everyone to use them for this functionality. That's not practical either. The only practical way of doing this would be to gather the item data from each kit and set the probabilities of each kit based on the weapons. This means there would have to be configuration settings for the probability of each weapon in the game. This isn't practical when a user fails to set it up correctly and gets unexpected results. You see where I'm going with this? Maybe I'm just thinking too hard here. If you have a solution to this problem then I'm open ears.

    This already exists. :)

    Max Zones [Min 1]
    Players Per Zone [Multiple Of 2]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2017
  10. thank you, one more question, is it possible to set the max height of the arena in sizes. 1,2,3,4,5,6, high w.e. thank you...
  11. Yeah I have no idea either :|
    I probably will just go with the "old" way, I have 5 nomal different kits and then just 3 Ak kits haha that's how I am doing it right now but since they see the kits with /duel kit it's kinda irritating
  12. You mean for the walls? Only for the extra wall stacks via 'Extra High External Wall Stacks' in the config, otherwise no. I would not recommend lowering this below 2 as players might be able to escape.
  13. great thank you, gonna pm you.
  14. nivex updated Duelist with a new update entry:


  15. I know you've said "attempted fix" in two updates now but I have to ask do you even test it? On that note it still does not work.
  16. strange thing i noticed after this update, when i type /duel it shows this messages with this top saying duels (9) ,, is that the amount of duels i have been in? or what .. thanks again my pal., also i was wondering if you can add a economic fee to the duel. so to enter the queue or the duel at all you must have x amount to enter as a fee?.. thanks again!

    Attached Files:

  17. TruePVE would have to nullify damage protection from the zone that is spawned, if the zone ID's change, then TRUEPVE will block any damage from any source by default. In order to nullify damage handling a ZONE ID has to be specified in the Truepve config to allow all damage unless the server owner/admin changes the config to block certain sources of damage through rulesets and flags.

    Would it be easier to randomly spawn duel zones with a Zone ID that stays the same but also moves around after each duel or a group of duels without changing the ZONE ID? This would be easier for server owners to specify the Zone ID's in the TRUEPVE config without having to change the ID every time they want to allow damage in that specific zone.
  18. Sorry was at work all day, just got home and saw this. Looks like you figured it out already. Getting ready to update in a few minutes. Thx again
  19. I don't use TruePVE so no. Does EventManager work for you when using TruePVE?
    Yep it shows this. That's the amount of duels completed on the server. I can add this.
  20. nice, add the economic fee? great!