
Deathmatch event for EventManager

Total Downloads: 5,203 - First Release: Dec 16, 2014 - Last Update: May 21, 2017

4.84/5, 25 likes
  1. you can't, you have to set a limit.
    i will make a new mode at some point for battlefields (unlimited arenas) ;)
  2. Hi Reneb-
    First, the people on my server absolutely LOVE the Deathmatch that are made possible by your plugins, so thank you.
    Second, an issue I've come across a couple of times is when starting the event players will all get TP'd in at the same time. My Deathmatch takes place inside a large buildings courtyard and all of the spawn points (there were 6) are inside this courtyard. Several times players have been teleported within the zone radius of the building but not to one of the spawn points. Then end up outside the walls of the building in water or something else unusual. Any ideas?
    Last thing, a handful of people that died in the arena respawned back at their home base and when they told me they needed a TP back I brought them in manually. Unfortunately these people all seemed to lost their original inventory when the arena was over. Did I miss a step or something with the config?
  3. Hey,

    I'm running a Multiplay server and keep getting thrown the message: The game deathmatch isnt registered, did you load the game after loading - event core?

    Now, i've tried deleting the configs - deleting the mod and readding it, etc etc but i can't seem to resolve the issue, even when reloading via the /reload command from the reload mod.

    I would appreciate some form of step by step incase i'm doing something wrong - sorry for being a pain but the population on my server loved this mod :)
  4. i've written multiple times even in the overview
    this error means that you have to do:
    oxide.reload EventManager
    oxide.reload ArenaDeathmatch
  5. We LOVE the arena. Will there be more options? like Team deathmatch? Gungame, start with axe, then bow and finally rockets? Auto arena? Auto rewards?
  6. of course, next week ;) (7days+ ;))
  7. I felt really stupid when I used this and it seemed to work, because I had done it many times before alas I've the same troubles now Reloading the Addons regardless of order doesn't seem to be helping again. I've tried rebooting the server with each addon disabled, adding then EventManager and finally ArenaDeathMatch but it doesn't seem to help.

    It seems like through having this issue a couple of times that the fix works sporadically for me at the moment i haven't been able to get the arena working in quite sometime due to this error.

    I sincerely apologize if i'm doing something retarded but i've at least tried to look through the post for help. I'm starting to wonder whether i need to see if Multiplay can do something?
  8. multiplay XD omg that's the FIRST thing you need to tell me ...
    YES see with multiplay XD
    they don't update plugins unless you ask them to ;)
  9. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I had an issue where a player entered the arena, disconnected, and came back naked an unable to recover their inventory. Anyone else having this issue?
  10. Did you get any errors?
    I think i need to save the inventoriés of players in a file and make a command for admins to recover the inventory if there is a problem ...
  11. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I didn't check for an error sorry. Maybe even players can recover their own inventory provided it didn't recover automatically. That creates a big support burden on admins otherwise.
  12. normally they should get the inventories back even if they get disconnected while inside the game. i'll try to debug it next week when i'm back.
  13. any idea how too remove old death match keeps spawn there And piss me off made a epic arena but can spawn there because of old one :(
  14. you just have to reconfigure it lol ...
  15. thank's man got working was a problem with spawns
  16. It seems like it doesn't take translation from json file. It works if i translate words in .cs file only :(
  17. What about FF (friendly fire), does it override it?
  18. Only from rustio friendly fire