
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,692 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. If I understood wright, default settings in your config is not native Rust defaults for Procedural maps?

    Attached Files:

  2. Indeed they are low! Try running the purge command and then unload the mod and wait for 1 hour... Then reload it and type /cdump and look at rcon.. This will show you the normal amount of everything for your map. You can then adjust based on these.

    Again the mod never spawns more than the number in the config so anything you see deleted is because Rust itself went over your set limit.
  3. Understood. Thank you.
  4. Frc, I looked at your config, that would definitely be low for a procgen server.. The mineral nodes for one are about 400 per on a 4k map from what I observed (which I feel is too much, but anyways, that's another story!)

    Ps: To all, I will be adding the new types of barrels and loot to the plugin soon!
  5. @Deicide666ra

    (13:31:39) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:39) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore
    (13:31:38) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:38) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore
    (13:31:37) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:37) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore
    (13:31:36) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/bear but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:36) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/bear
    (13:31:36) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/wolf but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:36) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/wolf(13:31:35) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/stag but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:35) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/stag
    (13:31:34) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/boar but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:34) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/boar
    (13:31:34) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:34) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/horse
    (13:31:33) | [Oxide] 1:31 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/chicken but entity could not be found.
    (13:31:33) | FileSystem.LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ - autospawn/animals/chicken
    Please fix this

    (13:37:02) | [RCON] version
    (13:37:02) | Oxide Version: 2.0.1267, Rust Protocol: 1307
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2015
  6. You are not using the latest version of the plugin Diablo!
  7. Thank you very much, apparently miss an update plugin. I'm sorry that nothing disturbed.
  8. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  9. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  10. What would my config look like If I only wanted this to increase animals?
  11. Like this... I recommend setting fixloot to true though, it removes stacked loot crates in rad town which can throw off balance pretty quick on a low pop server. The refresh interval is up to you, the config here spawns up to the limits every 5 min. The treatMinimumAsMaximum is also subjective, you'd need to set this to true if you want to remove or limit certain types of animals to lower counts than what the server naturally spawns.

      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 100,
        "minBoars": 100,
        "minChickens": 50,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 100,
        "minWolves": 250
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": -1,
        "minNormalBarrels": -1,
        "minOilBarrels": -1,
        "minTrashCans": -1
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": -1,
        "minTrashPiles": -1,
        "minWeaponCrates": -1
      "General": {
        "fixloot": false,
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 300,
        "treatMinimumAsMaximum": false
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": -1,
        "minStoneNodes": -1,
        "minSulfurNodes": -1
  12. Thanks!
  13. Does it also report spawning ore nodes?
    Because it doesn't seem to work on nodes, just on animals.
  14. It should report anything it spawns or kills. Note that the amount of stock nodes is ridiculously high, check your config vs the cdump output
  15. Well I set it to 60 now. Will try 200. Just to test it. Thanks! :)

    Edit: Alright the standard settings are 400. When I put them all on 500, around 100 of each are spawned. Thanks for the info mate!
  16. How can I make it that all crates ie what I set in the config loads on server restart and not to wait 15 mins after server starts also I have a 5500 world size have set
    "Crates": {
    "minBoxCrates": 90,
    "minTrashPiles": 25,
    "minWeaponCrates": 20
    Do you think this is high enough Its a new map and I don't see all places that boxes are meant to spawn to spawning there or how to lower the first spawn after restart to say 5 mins

    Edited Dont think this plugin is working as it takes over 30 mins to see the first spawn of a crate
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2015
  17. You can't set it up to run on start (well you could edit the plugin itself). You can however run it manually by doing cornu.spawn in the console. Keep in mind that on server restart the amount of collectibles (which this plugin uses) is very low so if you set your things high it can take a while even if you force the cycle on start.

    Your crate settings should be good but it's not a huge diff from what the game will spawn on it's own.
  18. I find some crates are missing with this plugin and still takes over an hour to spawn them all. If I wanted to edit the script can you tell me what line to edit
  19. If you use the limit on crates it will eventually spread the boxes out to the point rad boxes are much less until or unless the wild crates are used as well. Next version will not delete items that are irridiated to fix this issue.
  20. Code:
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": -1,
        "minBoars": -1,
        "minChickens": -1,
        "minHorses": -1,
        "minStags": -1,
        "minWolves": -1
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": -1,
        "minNormalBarrels": -1,
        "minOilBarrels": -1,
        "minTrashCans": -1
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": -1,
        "minTrashPiles": -1,
        "minWeaponCrates": -1
      "General": {
        "fixloot": true,
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "treatMinimumAsMaximum": false
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": -1,
        "minStoneNodes": -1,
        "minSulfurNodes": -1
    This is my .txt file, created by this plugin.
    If I want increase number of boars, bears and wolves, will be fine, when I edit just this commands?
    "minBears": 50,
    "minBoars": 50,
    "minWolves": 50

    After change this I will restart server and, it will be fine?