
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,692 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. I saw the bear killed the horse. hahaha~~~
  2. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  3. c_minWolves = Convert.ToInt32(GetConfigValue("Animals", "minWolves", 100000));
    c_minBears = Convert.ToInt32(GetConfigValue("Animals", "minBears", 100000));

    c_refreshIntervalSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(GetConfigValue("General", "refreshIntervalSeconds", 900));

    Why there is no obvious increase in number
  4. I have the only copy behind cornucopie.cs down?
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
  5. Do not modify the .CS file, look in oxide/config/Cornucopia.json settings are there. Changing the value in the .CS file like you did will have no effect unless you delete the .JSON file so it's recreated.
    Not sure I understand, lost in translation? The config goes to oxide/config/Cornucopia.json and it's automatically created when the plugin is loaded the first time.
    Forgot to mention, the plugin recycles collectible items to find good positions for spawning the new animals and resources. The plugin cannot spawn more animals than the total available collectibles which I would estimate at approx 5000-6000 on a 4k map. If you set your values to 100000 like you did you will only get 1 type of animal and they will cap off at ~6000 and the plugin will report warnings. Over time the game will spawn new collectibles and you will get closer and closer to your target level but it will take a lot of time.

    Also 200k animals will undoublty make the server extremely laggy and quite possibly crash it.
  6. hey, can anybody help me?

    the plugins doesnt seem to work and even the chat commands say "command not found" (via Rusty)
  7. Chat commands do not work via Rusty you need to use console commands.

    Are you sure it's properly loaded?
  8. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  9. I have a problem of animals not respawning quickly enough on my server. So if I just want to use this plugin to try and remedy that problem I would just set all other categories to zero (like say crates, barrels, etc) and they would have default behavior? Including spawn location?

    Do you know what the standard rate of refreshing animal spawns is?

    Also, I'm assuming that every time the respawn timer is called it's going to impact server performance somewhat? Could the respawn be phased rather than all at once?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2015
  10. Yes you can do that (just be careful not to set "treatMinimumAsMaximum" AND any other setting to zero, that would zap all of the other resources. It's safer to set to -1 if you don't want the plugin to touch one type of resource). Their behavior will be normal (they will roam around, attack other animals and players, etc. just as if they had been spawned by the game). Note that it doesn't fix the pathing issues where they just get stuck in place near rocks, but normal animals do that as well. As for locations, the plugin does not use the normal animal spawn locations, it replaces collectibles (mushrooms, wood pieces, ore lumps, hemp plants, etc.) with animals or whatever. To all practical effects, it's pretty much the same.

    No clue!

    It won't have a noticeable impact on performance no unless you put a very high number of animals AND your players are very active at killing them. It's only going to refresh the animals that are missing, it isn't going to impact more than the game spawning them.

    The new Purge command is a bit taxing, that's why it's a manual command only... and using the Spawn command after a purge can take 1-2 secs as well since it's spawning thousands of things all at once.
  11. Thank you very much!!

    I don't see the treatMinimumAsMaximum in config (so it's only there if you manually include it or is this only part of the config?). Would this work:

      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 30,
        "minBoars": 50,
        "minChickens": 0,
        "minHorses": 100,
        "minStags": 70,
        "minWolves": 20
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": -1,
        "minNormalBarrels": -1,
        "minTrashCans": -1
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": -1,
        "minWeaponCrates": -1
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": false
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": -1,
        "minStoneNodes": -1,
        "minSulfurNodes": -1
  12. Yes this should work. As for the missing param make sure you have the latest version.
  13. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


    [DOUBLEPOST=1438833757,1438753259][/DOUBLEPOST]So today I noticed there weren't any loot crates in rad towns.. or barely.. only had a couple players online and all said they hadn't been doing rad towns, so I'm thinking Cornucopia might have broken something. I'm not sure what's going on with this, but I thought it would be best to warn you guys. Maybe someone else experienced this? Let me know...
  14. Code:
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
    [8/6/2015 5:38:51 PM] [Oxide] 5:38 PM [Info] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn autospawn/animals/horse but entity could not be found.
  15. Thanks for the report John I'll need to do some debugging tonight. Disable it for the time being!
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Try the below attachment.
  17. Thank you a lot for fixed Cornucopia!
  18. Thanks Wulf, you're the man :) Will review and properly update later tonight
  19. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  20. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:
