
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,715 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. Weird... I'd have to hear from @Wulf on that one. I could check for both but I'm assuming here the folder could be anything?!
    Config please... If you get that it just means that existing resources are already within your min/max ranges for everything.
  2. Before the update it was working right away, the map is fresh and nothing has spawned at all, just keep getting that message.

    please find my config below:
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 100,
        "minBoars": 50,
        "minChickens": 50,
        "minHorses": 500,
        "minStags": 60,
        "minWolves": 500
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015
  3. That is the old deprecated config, see cornu.json for the new config.
  4. This is from the new cornu.json :/ I guess I will need to address this with Multiplay unless you have any idea why its bringing back the old config?

    Attached Files:

  5. Yeah that is definitely a clanfail issue... they probably edited my plugin to mess things up that bad.
  6. [Oxide] 5:58 PM [Info] Cornucopia was compiled successfully in 1865ms
    [Oxide] 5:58 PM [Info] Unloaded plugin Cornucopia v1.1.0 by Deicide666ra
    [Oxide] 5:58 PM [Info] Loaded plugin Cornucopia v1.1.0 by Deicide666ra

    [Oxide] 5:59 PM [Info] [Updater] Cornucopia is outdated! Installed: 1.1.0, Latest:

    I'm guessing someone forgot to add a .0 somewhere?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The author had an extra .0 on the site here, but it has been removed now.
  8. Thanks Wulf, sorry about that!
  9. Awesome, I didn't know if anyone had caught that yet.
  10. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  11. you went back to Cornucopia.json ? also the new config shows [] nothing more.. is it just me?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2015
  12. Still Cornu.json ....... The other is still created (I need to change the code a bit to stop this) but it's not used.
  13. Deicide666ra updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  14. So how do we simply edit the max we want the the mod to spawn
  15. With the last version I just posted a few min ago open Cornucopia.json (older version would be Cornu,json) and look at the different sections, I have it sorted by animals, ores, loots and inside each section is a zone with a min and a max for each type of resource. I strongly advise only setting a min OR a max depending on what you're looking to do, not both, especially for the loots section.

    If you want more wolves and bears for example, edit this section like that:

          "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/wolf.prefab",
          "Min": 250,
          "Max": -1,
          "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
          "DeleteEmtpy": false
          "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab",
          "Min": 100,
          "Max": -1,
          "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
          "DeleteEmtpy": false
    This will ensure that when the spawn cycle occurs, the plugin will spawn at least 250 wolves and 100 bears.
  16. Ya figured it out, was about to post something along those lines. Thanks for the quick reply though!
  17. Having the problem of viewing the config file, I used Note+ Atome and code and I still cant view it
  18. Uhh, no clue what's going on here?! Should be like 3k........
  19. on the config when i want it to spawn an animal or resource I change the -1 to any number correct? then restart the server?
  20. yes -1 means its unchanged change minimum and maximum to your liking but you do not need to restart the server just reload the plugin (either drag the plugin out of the folder then back or type in the console reload.pluginname) then type in chat /cspawn or cornu.spawn in console then /cdump or cornu.dump to see the changes.

    The only time you need to do /cspawn it when you restart the server then it will start an automatic cycle of spawning depending on the time you set the spawner on at the very bottom of the config file.