
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,691 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. ok WTF is this "default config" file located. where this is?
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    Animals are despawning Too quickly on my server. i have no idea what else to do to fix it.
  2. Plugin won't load. It's saying some compiling error.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    And the error would be?
  4. Hello, I wish to use this plugin to remove all animals from spawning. I have set the values to 0 but they are still spawning. How can I fix this?
      "Animals": [
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 20,
      "Min": 10,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/"
      "ApplyLootFix": true,
      "Loots": [
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": -500,
      "Min": -450,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": -300,
      "Min": -250,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_2.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/oil_barrel.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_trash.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/loot/trash-pile-1.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab"
      "Ores": [
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab"
      "DeleteEmtpy": false,
      "IgnoreIrridiated": true,
      "Max": 0,
      "Min": 0,
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab"
      "RefreshMinutes": 8,
      "RefreshOnStart": false
  5. Hi there,
    the .json-file gets restored with the original unedited file after every server restart.
    where is the problem, pls help
  6. i have been setting the values at -1 instead of 0 which should do the trick, i only mess with the animal spawning which seemed to work out in my server. Hope this helps
  7. With the last update of the game, I have the impression that the objects appear above the ground. No ?

    Attached Files:

  8. getting this error
    (20:37:22) | Couldn't find prefab "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab"
    (20:37:22) | [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab but entity could not be spawned.
    (20:37:22) | [BUNDLE] Not found: assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/bear.prefab
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2017
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    See previous posts: Cornucopia | Page 24 | Oxide.
  10. I cant find this config file : ( I dont found it on plugin folder and config folder ) and i put
    // Apply the loot fix to prevent stacked rad town loot crates
    public bool ApplyLootFix = false;
    and still dont loot appear on radtowns
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2017
  11. having issues with spawning, need some help please

    [10/01/2017 15:08:40] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/ but entity could not be spawned.
    [10/01/2017 15:08:40] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/ but entity could not be spawned.
    [10/01/2017 15:08:41] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/ but entity could not be spawned.
    [10/01/2017 15:08:41] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/ but entity could not be spawned.
    [10/01/2017 15:08:41] [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/ but entity could not be spawned.
  12. Hello,
    where I put this code ? :
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
  13. Why is this plugin unmaintained? It's such a good plugin
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Because it has no maintainers.
  15. Dammit I loved this plugin
  16. Wulf Can I get a copy of this to see if I can get it going again?
  17. Thank you.

    I will take a look at the code.
  18. Hi. Pity. This plugin was very good for my server :(
  19. This technical&non-functional-crap should stay where it is!!!
    People can still use SpawnConfig, which does it right.