
The horn of plenty! Spawn extra crates, barrels, nodes, animals, etc. randomly on the map

Total Downloads: 6,691 - First Release: Jul 28, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 1, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. yeah the plugin has problems wasent working 100% before update wolf is going to work on it when he has time
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Cornucopia with a new update entry:


  3. is this the full fix or just to get it running on the server
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's just a compile fix.
  5. Is it non-full list of prefabs in config file?
    And I have to add other prefabs, crate_normal_2_medical, for example?
  6. So i'm getting errors with cornucopia I don't know why but this is what it's saying.

    [BUNDLE] Not found: assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/chicken.prefab
    Couldn't find prefab "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/chicken.prefab"
    [Cornucopia] Tried to spawn assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/animals/chicken.prefab but entity could not be spawned.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2017
  7. I'm getting this error after unloading>deleting Cornucopia, i've switched seeds and restarted a few times too. Barrels and trees are spawning in nonetheless. Any help would be much appreciated!

    Map Spawned 42 entities
    Spawn handler contains null spawn population.
    Destroyed 48 old entities
    Spawning 1909 entities
    Loading Complete
    Enforcing SpawnPopulation Limits
    Initializing 1916 entity links
    Initializing 29 stability supports
    Connected to Steam
  8. Getting the following error in console after spawn runs.

    (11:35:37) | [Cornucopia] Spawning 3X assets/!

    (11:35:37) | [Cornucopia] Spawning 3X assets/!

    (11:35:37) | [Cornucopia] Spawning 12X assets/!

    (11:35:37) | [Cornucopia] Spawning 5X assets/!

    (11:35:37) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:37) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:37) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:37) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:37) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:38) | [Cornucopia] Spawning 1X assets/!

    (11:35:38) | assets/ (Spawnable) Population is null, entity spawned from outside the spawn handler?

    (11:35:38) | Calling 'SpawnCommand' on 'Cornucopia v1.1.8' took 202ms
  9. I know people should be reading previous posts. But it took me a while to figure this out... so for those having trouble:
    The updated Prefab paths for the animals:

  10. I am confused as to where I go to edit these:
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    I have placed the .CS file in the ...\oxide\plugins folder. I don't see that code above in there or in the config folder.
  11. i love how barrels spawn since the latest update... can i use this plugin to not affect barrels but only ores and animals? if so, how do i go about that?
  12. I am confused, too. Please update the instructions.
  13. wulf, does this plugin "like" working with alphaloot? any problem using both?
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There wouldn't be a reason to use both, but I imagine AlphaLoot is a bit more updated (the original author no longer maintains this plugin, I only provide compile fixes for it.)
  15. i plan to use it only for animals and nodes, not for loot (barrels/crates). is it possible to only affect animals and nodes with this plugin, and leave crates, barrels, supply drops and heli crates for alphaloot?
  16. SideNote: AlphaLoot is a loot-content-control plugin ;)
    Cornucopia does try to migitate functions like SpawnConfig, and has nothing to do with loot-content.
  17. @TheBandolero From experience I can say yes this does work but not very well. Extra loot containers are spawned by Cornucopia but they will contain vanilla items for a short period of time, that's until AlphaLoot comes around and refreshes all containers. There's a high possibility players will be receiving loot outside of your AlphaLoot config and could lead to problems. Just a heads up there :)
  18. yes, but:
    "You can set any of the config values to zero if you do not wish that specific resource to be affected (do not set the timer to zero though!)"
    so if i set barrels and crates to zero in cornucopia wouldnt it leave loot alone for alphaloot?

    i dont know, just guessing. my english is not so good, so i might missunderstand something
  19. @TheBandolero Yes that's correct, sorry dude I was replying to the previous message "wulf, does this plugin "like" working with alphaloot? any problem using both?". Just giving you my insight from problems I had previously.
    If you're not using Cornucopia to add more barrels or crates then it will work fine :)
  20. So if I understand correctly, i just have to modify this config file......
      "Animals": {
        "minBears": 10,
        "minBoars": 25,
        "minChickens": 5,
        "minHorses": 60,
        "minStags": 35,
        "minWolves": 5
      "Barrels": {
        "minGoodBarrels": 25,
        "minNormalBarrels": 15,
        "minTrashCans": 45
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 20,
        "minWeaponCrates": 15
      "General": {
        "refreshIntervalSeconds": 900,
        "fixloot": true
      "Minerals": {
        "minMetalNodes": 70,
        "minStoneNodes": 70,
        "minSulfurNodes": 70
    ..... and change this:
    "Barrels": {
        "minNormalBarrels": 0,
        "minTrashCans": 0
      "Crates": {
        "minBoxCrates": 0,
        "minWeaponCrates": 0
    am I right?
    what about the fixloot option? I should turn it to false, shouldn't I?