
[AntiCheat] Log looters for a containers

Total Downloads: 6,120 - First Release: Apr 26, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 19, 2017

5/5, 21 likes
  1. Try unloading the plugin and deleting your new data files, failing that send me your data files
  2. That did the trick, thanks! Appreciate your hard work very much.
  3. Hi,

    Firstly, love this plugin, it makes tracking down those cheeky beggars so easy :D .
    I have an issue with the new update however. I deleted my data folder, config and .cs file before installing the latest version. The new config file has been created upon plugin reload but nor the data folder.

    Every box now just says it's clear regardless of who has been in it. Am i missing something?

    Thanks in advance,

  4. k1lly0u updated BoxLooters with a new update entry:


    Not sure, there was a issue that was resolved in the last update. See if that makes a difference
  5. Fehler beim Aufruf des Hook 'OnLootEntity' auf Plugin 'BoxLooters v0.3.4' (NullReferenceException: Objektreferenz nicht auf eine Instanz eines Objekts gesetzt)
    Bei Oxide.Plugins.BoxLooters.OnLootEntity (.BasePlayer looter, .BaseEntity Entity) [0x00000] in <Dateiname unbekannt>: 0 bei Oxide.Plugins.BoxLooters.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object & ret, System.Object [ ] Args) [0x00000] in <Dateiname unbekannt>: 0 bei Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod-Methode, System.Object [] args) [0x00000] in <Dateiname unbekannt>: 0 bei Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin .OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object [] args) [0x00000] in <Dateiname unbekannt>: 0 bei Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String Hook, System.Object [] args) [0x00000 ] In <Dateiname unbekannt>: 0
    Ungültige Position: generic_world [134571208] Schrott (Welt) (968.2, -5015.4, -352.7) (Zerstörung)
  6. Got only the Message: The Box [Number] is clear!

    And that with all boxes! Is the plugin not working right?
  7. Remove your config&data file and reload plugin
  8. ah, forgot to delete the config... ^^ now it works, thx
  9. but what if they broke the box?
  10. Just wanted to say this plugin is incredible. Thank you.
  11. can you maybe explain to me what's so useful about this? because it seems to me that if someone loots a box he usually destroys it, even IF for some reason the box had no code lock

    so does this still work if the box was broken?
  12. It will show you all boxes which are and WERE in the area by displaying green outlines around their locations. Additionally, even if a box is destroyed you can see an ID number of all boxes which existed. The ID numbers can be used to search for all information on that box. Like I said, incredible.
  13. Anyone else having trouble viewing the box's list of players? No matter what box I look at, I get "Unable to find a valid entity."
  14. Is there a way to get more then just who was in the box? Any way to see what the user took at all. Like a loot list