

Total Downloads: 42,622 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

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  1. Rarities is in the main /config/betterloot.json
  2. Just beat me on my edit by a minute. :p
  3. So I just add a rarity item under "Rarity" im guessing with the autoturret and lmg.m249
  4. Yeah. You need to add the shortname of the item being things like supply.signal and a number between 0 and 4:

    0 - None
    1 - Common
    2 - Uncommon
    3 - Rare
    4 - Very rare

    Full list of item shortnames link: Oxide API for Rust
  5. Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
  6. I would recommend updating your plugin and verifying the json files JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
  7. We already resolved the issue. See previous responses.
  8. Is there a way to change what spawns in the crates/barrels and if so where in the config do I change it
  9. >>> BetterLoot for Rust - FAQ | Oxide
  10. Absolutely! To change what spawns in the crates/barrels simply navigate to the Oxide Data folder like so:


    Then, go into the BetterLoot folder and download the LootTables.json file. If you wish to edit what is in the Supply Drops then also download the SupplyDrop.json file.

    Once downloaded, you can then add whichever items you want. Here is a list of the shortnames that need to be used: Oxide API for Rust

    You must always use the item shortname unless otherwise specified. Also, on the last item of each list, do not add a comma, this will cause errors and stop the plugin doing its job.
  11. I have changed the loot numbers of items in barrels and crates but it hasn't changed once I save it and put it into the plugin folder?
  12. Every edit of config or data files in their folders need for most plugins a plugin reload for being loaded, also for BetterLoot.
  13. THANK YOU!!!!!! So much for adding back rarity. It's been hell without it.
  14. Should buy AlphaLoot...
  15. does anyone have theshortname for the Python?
  16. pistol.python...
  17. how do i go about making raid suits appear more in barrels?
  18. Hi,
    Make sure hazmat suit is added to the barrel loot list, make sure custom barrel loot is enabled, and then set the rarity to 1 or 2.

    All those options are in the various config files, but I'm not sure which is which without looking it up.
  19. Hi, I had to disable crates
    "enableCrates": false,
    because they were overwriting the Radzone Weaponcrates as well.
    Now does the Rarity still take effect on the items spawned in the crates?

    Thank you
  20. Nope, the rarity overrides of BetterLoot work only plugin internal.