

Total Downloads: 42,621 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

4.95699/5, 93 likes
  1. Apologies if I did come in a bit hot there... If that is the case then that was not my intention, some people have a genuine deluded belief that they're number 1 and that they should be handed everything for free because they're so amazing and everyone is in debt to them. If you simply cannot afford it then you are unable to afford it. To which, the response is just yes, AlphaLoot is a unique plugin. I am still yet to see a plugin that can match it in both features, quality and support and as a result, it comes at a cost.

    EDIT: Could I also kindly ask you to remove or censor your profanity out of your last reply? Not to treat you like a child or anything, I just feel it is in the best interest of the forum that we don't have profanity where unnecessary. Plus I'm sure it's against the rules (which I'll be honest I didn't read :p) and we don't want you getting told off.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2017
  2. all g thanks for the information, didn't mean to get snappy.
  3. i installed this and looked in my server data folder after rebooting the server, still no folder or file for better loot.
  4. Did you actually refresh the directory in FileZilla? I know from experience that FileZilla doesn't update the directory unless you fully disconnect from the FTP server and reconnect OR right-click and click refresh. The plugin works fine so it's either your server, or an error on your part.
  5. i don't use filezilla i just use my servers control panel with Host Havoc to add plugins and modify configs.
  6. Okay, fair enough, I have never used that service so I have no idea what it's like in terms of its file manager. Okay, just to confirm, when you are looking for the folder you are going to this directory NOTE: replace SERVER_NAME with your actual hostname:


    That is where the LootTable files are located.
  7. Well with the Way its set up in Host Havoc is you go to file manager Sever/My_Server_Identity/Oxide/plugin to place the plugin and than the json is suppose to generate in Server/My_Server_Identity/Oxide/Data but the Json never appears and i have rebooted the server numerous times to no avail.
  8. I will send you a PM to assist you rather than spam everyone with notifications etc.
  9. How plugin ON blueprint system craft?
  10. Pardon???
  11. i cant fined any plugins to return blueprint systems.maybe anyone know?
  12. Everything blueprint related has gone in Rust ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2017
  13. I fined server who have blueprint system.Blueprint drops from barrels.But admins dont tale how plugins they use.
  14. the json for better loot appears in both data, and the config folder. I run host havoc too and that plugin generates multiple json files. I highly suggest getting FileZilla to do things like this as it is much easier. Regardless of that, because you are putting it in via the website. I use RustAdmin to maintain the server via console and I have noticed it auto detects plugins and loads them instantly after placing them in. I just remove the .cs file and replace it when I want to relaod the plugin because of config change as my reload commands don't seem to do anything. I suggest getting FileZilla set up and trying it via there, and if it doesn't work, create a support ticket to Host Havoc.
  15. Hello,
    When Using This Plugin, I Don't Seem To See To Find Any Weapons/Tools In The (Weapon Crates) It Seems Just To Use The Loot You Find In Normal Crates,

    So. Food/Health/Weapon Crates Use Random Loot. And You Won't Find The Pacific Loot That The Crate Should Have.

    Anyway To Add Pacific Loot For Pacific Tier Crates?
  16. What the heck is pacific loot plz???
  17. He means specific crate/barrel types.

    EDIT: Also, I started watching a rather large YouTube playlist called Web Junk... It has some weird videos on it and it's making me go crazy too. :D

    Expect some nonsense until I recover from it. :D :p
  18. Sure???...sometimes i ask me really, where the people take all these wordings from which never came up in the game or mentioned by FP :p
  19. He could be from the future. Perhaps they introduce pirates in the future and that's the reference.

    Or of course, if we're on planet Earth, he could just be totally wrong with his wording inventing new loot types. :D
  20. @Fujikura crate name of military crate? to set it in the config. Also could you add something to have different loot tables for different cratet types ?