

Total Downloads: 42,621 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

4.95699/5, 93 likes
  1. Military crate is crate_normal.

    He no longer adds features to this plugin. He only maintains it... You want the special features, you need to purchase AlphaLoot.
  2. thnx for the info!
  3. No problem.
  4. Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BetterLoot v2.11.5' (JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ItemList[0]', line 4, position 5.)
    help trying to get server working with the wipe
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your config file for the plugin appears to be corrupt or invalid.
  6. said nothing was wrong in jsonlint validator

  7. the same happens to me
  8. error:

    Loaded plugin BetterLoot v2.11.5 by Fujikura/dcode

    (01:45:51) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BetterLoot v2.11.5' (JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ItemList[0]', line 4, position 5.)
  9. check the files for that line number for the issue
  10. I'm not sure what is causing this but there's nothing spawning inside barrels or crates on my server? Any idea what could possibly be causing this?

    Getting this error also.

    (02:28:29) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BetterLoot v2.11.5' (JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ItemList[0]', line 4, position 5.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2017
  11. any one get theres working yet with this new update??
  12. Not yet, I've tried reinstalling the plugin a couple times now. Still getting the same error

    "Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BetterLoot v2.11.5' (JsonReaderException: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ItemList[0]', line 4, position 5"
  13. Do you guys have issues with your nteleportation plugin too?
  14. No Errors with latest BetterLoot on latest Oxide on a fresh install of BL
  15. The error was in the blacklist config, is there a way I can just get that config by itself without the error without having to manually save all config files and reinstalling?
  16. delete the file? ;) it will be recreated at next load of BL
  17. oh cheers, I'm an idiot hahaha
  18. Hello, Is there a way I can leave the military crates stock that spawns at RT, and the other crates with custom loot?
  19. Study the last part of the FAQ
    >>> BetterLoot for Rust - FAQ | Oxide
  20. Can we get an update please, don't seem to be working.