

Total Downloads: 15,960 - First Release: Oct 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 6, 2018

5/5, 49 likes
  1. Yeah also my players found a bug where if you stand next to another player with a backpack then it dupes 100 rockets to like 300.
  2. Is this plugin being fixed?
  3. Hey @LaserHydra
    Just wanted to know if you have come across the permission problem when reloading this mod either specifically or using "reload *".
    The other day I reloaded all my mods and I had the same issue where everyone on the server then had access to plugin. Currently No one (not even me) has access by default, Please check this out. I am guessing it has something to do with the way it loads or unloads when server is not init, as this error never happens during reboot, only during oxide.reload
  4. Hey Laser please update this plugin i had to disable on my server.
  5. Sorry, I am a little busy currently. I'll try to make a wave of plugin updates, including Backpacks. I will also fix other stuff in Backpacks, resetting durabillity, attachments etc. Also will try to fix more dupe glitches.
  6. Can i change the position somehow?
  7. Of the button? Currently not. It will be implemented with the fix.
  8. Okay man thanks for the reply and keep up the good work!
  9. Why when i put an item on the backpack, instantly is repaired?! Help please
  10. I would like to move the Backpack button up just a little bit. Where in the config can I do this?
    I found out how to move the backpack button. I only know to move up and down. But At least I got that far.

    In the .cs file you will find this line

    if((bool) Config["Settings", "Use UI"]) ui.AddText("backpackButtonText", 0, 0, 1, 1, new UIColor(1, 1, 1, 1), "<b>Backpack</b>", 20, ui.AddButton("backpackButton",

    0.01, 0.95, 0.10, 0.03, new UIColor(0.45, 0.6, 0.2, 0.9), ""), 3);

    The area to modify is 0.01, 0.95, 0.10, 0.03
    Use small changes for this to work. I changed teh 0.95 to 0.85 and it moved up
  11. You can sure adjust it yourself until I provide a setting in the config.
    The numbers are position left, position top, width, height.
  12. For some reason when i try to use this, it tells me i don't have permission. When i try to enable it it tells me command not found? Am i doing something wrong?
  13. Found a bug on plugin or game, im not shure, but i put to backpack broken axe, and teleported few times, and my axe is fully repaired. Can check it?
    sorry for my bad eng.
  14. You have to type this in console commands to use the backpack

    grant group admin backpack.use (to grant the permission to the admin group)
    or / and
    grant group player backpack.use (to grant the permission to the player group)
  15. Please check PM's laser
    [DOUBLEPOST=1451735592][/DOUBLEPOST]Hello so this is a really bad glitch where you can dupe backpacks so what you do is open them and then get another person to shoot it then everything falls on the floor and its still in your backpack. Please message me back i think a fix would be to make the chest to have lots of health! Thanks

    Can you fix this?
  16. Everytime i join on the server i have to type in /backpack to get the GUI.
    Can i fix this, that the GUI is there directly after connect.
  17. Hey man, are you aware of the multiplayer bug with this plugin?
  18. because some players on my server found it
  19. Please remove this plugin until I have a fix ready for this.
  20. Please save condition with items in backpacks currently repairs items stored when closing and reopening got a working version but have to reapply the fix after each update to the plugin attached is the condition added version NOTE: use console command: oxide.unload Backpacks and backup your config prior to using the update then replace the Backpacks.cs file or add modded lines and use console command oxide.load Backpacks.

    search for condition in cs file to find all lines were the added field to BackpackItem is used

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