

Total Downloads: 15,963 - First Release: Oct 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 6, 2018

5/5, 49 likes
  1. Use the PROD plugin
  2. backpacks aren't given owner id when they are dropped, so /prod wouldn't tell you anything other than that nobody owns the backpack. copy-paste was recently updated so that the pasted building is given the owner id of the person that pasted it. was kind of thinking this mod could do something like that. having owner id is useful for other plugins.
  3. Last update was in April so doubt this is even being maintained / updated!
  4. Why does the backpack still have its items inside after the wipe? Can you add a command to wipe the contents? Thanks
  5. Hello, just navigate to oxide/data and delete there "BackPacks" folder
  6. Persistence across wipes actually can be a cool way to allow players to keep items between wipes without having to use:
    Inventory Guardian for Rust | Oxide
    That happened on RustEZ PVE Survival and it was a boon to building resources for new players asap. We had community resources built quickly. It can be view as unbalancing as it is not a fresh start. So it depends on the circumstances. For PVE it is not as big an issue as it would be in PVP: AKs in the first 3 seconds... beaches cover in corpses with rocks, torches and a shocked expressions.
  7. So what I have issues with runing this mod is that for some people it works for others it dose nothing. They hit B and well doesn't work for them at all. Just no response anyone else have that issue at all with this mod?
  8. Hello plz read the full overviwe of this plugin. U need bind a key to use it. Server can't send command to player and bind his key anymore. so very new Players musst bind key self.
  9. Would the command still be: bind b With that plugin? Would make it so much easier to push out all the hotkeys to players!
  10. Suggestion to add a wipe command for admins to clear all backpacks, useful for not wanting items stored in backpack to carry over a wipe.
  11. Hello
    The backpack stopped falling after the death of the player, if the parameter "Drop On Death": true
    Fix please.
  12. is there a way to fix the backpack sticking out of the chest when you look down it blocks a bit of your view
  13. Hi!
    After the death of the player, the contents of the backpack do not drop out.
     "Drop On Death": true,
    Fix Please
  14. Anyone having issues with backpacks after the patch?
  15. I need the full guide to how to work this plugin. I installed Oxide and the plugin correctly, I think. I don't know, I am kinda new to this game, let alone modding.
  16. It turns out it was just one player having issues. it works fine.
    If you start with asking a specific question maybe someone can help. Otherwise check out the overview page Backpacks for Rust | Oxide
  17. I asked about this weeks ago but no reply. tbh i'm not sure if this is still being worked on :/ as the last update was April!!!!
  18. The answer is in this thread somewhere because I remember it. I believe someone suggested to go into your config and set "Show On Back": false

    This will solve the issue.
  19. yeah but if you do that the backpacks that now drop with rust are unlootable and the rage from players is unreal

    Also I want players to see if another player has extra stuff as they are a more viable target. Perhaps someone more active could take over this plugin? If I knew c# I would volunteer!!