Admin Toggle

Toggle your admin status

Total Downloads: 4,138 - First Release: Oct 7, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 9, 2017

5/5, 7 likes
  1. You can set your playername for the mode when you are out of the admin mode
    If you do /setplayername Bob
    You will be named Bob once you got kicked after using /toggleadmin and you are in normal player mode
  2. ok I've done that but my name doesn't actually change so people can still see I'm online only difference is my name is blue?
  3. Well if you set your playername then switch back to player mode after relog you should be named that and yeah your player name.
    You will always be listed online but not everyone will prob know you are admin then
  4. ok thanks a lot!
  5. how to change from player mode to admin?
  6. /toggleadmin
  7. once i switch to player mode i cant use that command cause i have no permission
  8. Don't grant the command to the admin group then, but to yourself.
  9. Code:
     [Warning] Missing plugin name prefix 'admintoggle.' for permission 'admin.toggle' (by plugin 'Admin Toggle')
  10. Here you go You might have to delete old config as I dont have this plugin installed cant say so keep a copy of the old one and compare them

    Attached Files:

  11. its ok
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2016
  12. Nothing to do with this plugin
  13. I restarted all the plugins and errors disappeared.
  14. whe dont get the permision..
    grant user Krisse admin.toggle
    [Oxide] 7:52 PM [Info] Permission 'admin.toggle' doesn't exist

    whe also dont get a config file ?

    reloaded the plugin and reinstaldit few time's no succes ingame same text you dont have permision.

  15. Yes, same here. I've installed, re-installed, etc. and a configuration file does not get created. Shame because there really are no other admin plugins that also allow you to play as a normal user.
  16. Please check if any errors appear in your logs or console.
  17. Here's what I can find - Sorry I didn't post log previously, I just found out how to locate it in ClanForge:

    Console: AdminToggle.cs(48,8): warning CS0114: `Oxide.Plugins.AdminToggle.LoadConfig()' hides inherited member `Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadConfig()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword
    C:\games\rust\exp-oxide\Oxide.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  18. yep i'm using clanforge to got the same error.
  19. It is not an error, its just a warning and can be ignored as it does not harm anything.
  20. ow got it to work finaly. but stil it keeps the same name after /toggleadmin to player mode.

    grant group admin admintoggle.admin.toggle
    grant user "bitterbals" admintoggle.admin.toggle

    /setplayername <newname>
    /toggleadmin -disconect from server

    relog and its the same name but i'm in player mode ;-).

    grant user <newname> admintoggle.admin.toggle -and you can /toggleadmin back to admin mode.

    works for me but need a fix on the name ;-) and yes whe are using clans.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2016