Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch event for EventManager

Total Downloads: 3,050 - First Release: Dec 1, 2015 - Last Update: May 21, 2017

5/5, 7 likes
  1. ok sorry,fail me color, all ok!!
  2. I have a problem when I do the following commands:
    in console TeamDeathmatch
    event.kit tdmkit
    event.spawnfile "team_a"
    event.spawnfile "team_b"
    tdm.kills 10
    * Join *

    the problem that I tp them in the same spot.
  3. set the spawn files either in config or using tdm.spawns.a and tdm.spawns.b
  4. See i did that , using exactly the following :

    In console TeamDeathmatch
    event.kit tdmkit
    tdm.spawns.a tdm_spawns_a
    tdm.spawns.b tdm_spawns_b
    tdm.kills 30

    People still spawn in the side theyre not meant to.
  5. Nothing I tried ago tp have the same point
    [DOUBLEPOST=1454762651][/DOUBLEPOST]In console TeamDeathmatch
    event.kit tdmkit
    tdm.spawns.a team_a
    tdm.spawns.b team_b
    tdm.kills 10
    [DOUBLEPOST=1454762676][/DOUBLEPOST]They go to the same point
  6. It works perfectly for me, although when I was just testing I found another bug that would dupe the player. Its possible that is whats causing it, but probably not since I don't have any issues with it. Other then that all I can suggest is make sure you got the latest versions and you are setting it up correctly
  7. k1lly0u updated Team Deathmatch with a new update entry:


  8. Then starting from zero I create the map I put the area then from a point I
    - / Spawns_new
    - / Spawns_add
    -/Spawns_save tdmspawns_a
    then I go in the other side you do :
    - / Spawns_new
    - / Spawns_add
    -/ Spawns_save tdmspawns_b
    After you have done this go to the console :
    - TeamDeathmatch
    - event.kit tdmkit
    - tdm.spawns.a tdmspawns_a
    - tdm.spawns.b tdmspawns_b
    - tdm.kills 10
    * Join *
    - event.start
    Where did I go wrong now ? I tried deleting all tmd file is event is spawns , stopping the server is put files then startare . They are all up to date .
    [DOUBLEPOST=1454886238,1454787236][/DOUBLEPOST]0 help
  9. I'm going to write you a debug tonight, try with it and send me back the log
  10. ok so I expect that you put the file ?
  11. I have the same problem. spawn point Team A and Team В mixed.
  12. I have the exact same problem. Team A and Team В spawn is mixed. Also no kit is provided on respawn

    EDIT: The kit was configured wrong by me. Kit's works ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2016
  13. At least I'm not the only one with that problem xP
  14. k1lly0u updated Team Deathmatch with a new update entry:


  15. hey.
    can you add ability to use another kit for second team?
    as example 1-2 more commands need to be implemented: for blues event.kitblue tdmkitblue, for reds respectively event.kitred tdmkitred
    thank you.
  16. This would be awsome. It's a nice to have - not a need to have though :) As we're speaking of new ideas: maybe the ability to select 1 kit out of more kits (like a class) for the round would be fun.
  17. it seems that now works
  18. Hello @k1lly0u , is it possible to set up your plugin so it just throws people out of a area when they enter it without permission?

    I just want to create a shopping area for a group of players and as far as I understood it, it's not possible to realize this only with Zones Manager for Rust | Oxide and a spawnpoint
  19. I have a fix for eject feature in zonemanager, I'll ask nogrod if he will post it
  20. That would be wonderful! Thank you very much.