1. In any case, great job. This plugin is awesome.
  2. Hi,

    Thanks for this outstanding plugin, can't wait for future features !

    1 . I can't find the auto-generated tokens ? How do i retreive it ?

    2. After the installation of the plugin i've restarted my server, i had this error, but the website is working.
    [Oxide] 7:21 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'Init' on plugin 'Stats' (ArgumentOutOfRangeException: < 0
    Parameter name: totalWidth)
    [Oxide] 7:21 AM [Debug]   at System.String.PadRight (Int32 totalWidth, Char paddingChar) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.String.PadRight (Int32 totalWidth) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Stats.error (System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Stats.Init () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
      at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3. 1, It is repeated warning message in the console.log or you can copy from the config file too.
  4. Seems like you managed to pull off an error while it was trying to display an error. Creating a hotfix.
  5. That's weird, i only have the query_url in my config file.
  6. Vilsol updated Stats with a new update entry:

    Hotfix for console errors

    try updating to the latest version, everything should work fine from then on.
  7. Code:
    [Oxide] 8:12 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Stats v1.3.0 by Vilsol
    [Oxide] 8:12 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Stats v1.3.0 by Vilsol
    Token generated in the config file.

    Nice work buddy ! Thanks for your quick fix
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435700690][/DOUBLEPOST]Last question :

    Pie Charts appears right after installation or should i wait ? Because i've got some data showing up but the home still clear.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435704070][/DOUBLEPOST]Is that normal ?

    Attached Files:

  8. That's for the player count, is it possible to get a list by name of players currently online? also a list of all players with their k/d stats
  9. It is planned to update all players online, but currently it only stores the count of players online.
  10. Sorry to be so annoying >< but is there an sql query i can run to print out all players and their kill/deaths ? (doesnt need to include suicides / radiation etc)

    For anyone else wanting to do this

    FROM player
    WHERE id = player_kill.killer
    FROM player
    WHERE id = player_kill.victim
    SEPARATOR  ', ' ) AS victim, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT weapon
    SEPARATOR  ', ' ) AS weapon, COUNT( killer ) AS count, DATE, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z
    FROM player_kill
    GROUP BY killer

    change the last line group by killer / victim

    or for php
    $sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (SELECT name FROM player WHERE id = player_kill.killer) SEPARATOR \', \') as killer, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (SELECT name FROM player WHERE id = player_kill.victim) SEPARATOR \', \') as victim, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT weapon SEPARATOR \', \') as weapon, count(killer) as count, date, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z FROM player_kill GROUP BY killer";
    And finally, @Vilsol is it planned to include an entity_count in the live data, forgive me if i'm wrong, but the current entities in the live data doesn't include player buildings?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2015
  11. @Jakers It is planned to add the rest of the entities to the charts as well.
  12. Awesome! :) Ran into a little issue with my sql, trying to associate the players with their deaths as well so i can get k/d next to their name

    If anyone want's to weigh in and help that'd be awesome haha :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2015
  13. Anyway to change the defaut language ? :)

    This work verywell !

    Nice job !
  14. Currently there is no localization feature, but now it's on the suggestion list :) (Though it will come after an admin panel is created, and I will need translators)
    SELECT `player`.`name`, COUNT(DISTINCT `player_kill`.`id`) as `kills`, COUNT(DISTINCT `player_death`.`id`) as `deaths`
    FROM `player`
    LEFT JOIN `player_kill` ON `player`.`id`=`player_kill`.`killer`
    LEFT JOIN `player_death` ON `player`.`id`=`player_death`.`player`
    WHERE `player`.`id` = `player_kill`.`killer` AND `player`.`id` = `player_death`.`player`
    GROUP BY `player`.`id`;
  15. @Vilsol sorry to be a pain, but can that be modded to only include PvP? so just data from the player_kill table?

    Also thought of some other cool suggestion for stat logging - distance and hitbox :D

    ie. the distance the player was killed from in meters and where the player was hit?

    Awesome work :)
  16. I pulled the latest version and updated my server, the plugin still seems to report version 1.3 not 1.3.1 ?
  17. that is normal
  18. Yes the last update was a hotfix, and i think vilsol forgot to change the version is the file.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435768462][/DOUBLEPOST]I edited live.php to change <? in <?php and <?=$data in <?php echo $data

    But that still not work


    Attached Files:

  19. The time is recorded not in the right format!
    The date in the database: 1435767864
    Should write: 07/01/2015 19:30
  20. It's technically the most correct format, just displayed in a weird way. In the next release I am going to make it so it displays as a proper date.
    Can you screenshot the data that is in your 'live_data' table?