1. It's empty ;p ...
  2. are there errors in the console?
  3. Nothing, i've just this once in a while.

    [Oxide] 2:04 AM [Info] [Stats] <HTML>
    <TITLE>Server Connection Closed</TITLE>

    <BODY BGCOLOR="white" FGCOLOR="black">
    <H1>Server Connection Closed</H1>

    <FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><B>
    Description: The server "<EM>blabla.ovh.net</EM>" closed the connection before
    the transaction was completed.
    : 502
  4. Seems like your webserver is denying requests... not sure how to resolve that, it's not the plugins problem.
  5. Have you whitelisted your servers ip at your webhost?
  6. Ok i will try on another host.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435769828][/DOUBLEPOST]Really don't know how to do that, go read FAQ :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435770894][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm looking at the log of the webserver.

    I"ve got 6486 entries for today which look like this. www.ionweb.be - [01/Jul/2015:00:00:06 +0200] "POST /statsrust/query.php HTTP/1.1" 200 430 "-" "-"

    Nothing in the error log.

    Attached Files:

  7. The response that is thrown in the console literally means an error, there should be a separate log file that is specifically for errors.
  8. @Vilsol :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
  9. @Vilsol I believe you forgot to update the version in 1.3.1 it still says 1.3 sorry, it's just tripping the updater plugin saying it's out of date. :D
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435806154][/DOUBLEPOST]A suggestion/request. Add kill distance to the "player" and "animal kills", perhaps even a "fired bullets" distance and impact target(what was hit) just a suggestion
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435806181][/DOUBLEPOST]oops, that was already requested, my bad
  10. Can anyone have a crack at this SQL? I just can't seem to get it quite right, just need a PVP k/d (so not including suicides / radiation etc) Would be greatly appreciated

    $sql = "SELECT p.name, count(distinct pk1.id) as kills, count(distinct pk2.id) as deaths FROM player p LEFT JOIN player_kill pk1 ON pk1.killer = p.id  LEFT JOIN player_kill pk2 ON pk2.victim = p.id  group by p.name ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 0, 10";
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2015
  11. Strange error:

    Attached Files:

  12. that means your database/php controller stopped working.

    Yep, this was already talked about, it was a 1 minute hotfix, forgot to update version.

    Great ideas, added to idea list.
  13. could you pls give more detail about the procedure

    1. Place the 'stats.cs' file in the oxide plugins folder OKAY
    2. Create a database and load the 'database.sql' file into it WHERE SHOULD I CREATE AND HOW?
    3. Place all the files from the 'www' folder on your webserver WHICH FOLDER NAME?
    4. Edit 'database.php' with your database details
      $DB_NAME = "stats"; ?
      $DB_PASS = "";
    6. Change the value 'Query_URL' in the config file to point at your webserver
    7. Restart the server for changes to take effect
    If you can give example for each item I will be highly appreciate that.
  14. @cenk, you should have some basic concept of administrating and running a webserver w/ database. If you want to chat with me over steam, please add me as friend "hax0rmort" and I can walk you through setting up with a free webhost (if you don't have a website) and creating a database and everything. If you want.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435847549][/DOUBLEPOST]To clear it up, you need a webhost/domain w/ SQL database. This isn't something that solely runs on your rust server. it needs outside database access to store and query the information. Any questions, as it's a little more complicated then to just answer your 1-7 line questions, add me.
  15. thanks for your reply
    I have my own private host/domain with sql support
    I already add you on steam
  16. My site, Database works normal - as usual.
    Some pages aren't display information - only Player section, Resource gathering, Bullets - doesn't work. Other pages works fine.
  17. with huge support of hax0rmort;
    we did whatever necessary - thanks for his great support

    now database seems working on my subdomain;

    except apple chart on home screen
    any idea for solution?
  18. y I saw it and already try but nothing change
    my live.php is as follows;

    <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="player-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="player-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="animal-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="animal-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="resource-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="resource-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="plant-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="plant-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <h2>Ground Resources</h2>
    <div id="groundResource-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="groundResource-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="col-md-4">
    <div id="entity-canvas-holder" class="canvas-holder">
    <canvas id="entity-chart-area" width="150" height="150"></canvas>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>

    $statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM live_data");
    $data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);

    function insertAfter(newNode, referenceNode) {
    referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling);

    var red = "#bf616a",
    blue = "#5B90BF",
    orange = "#d08770",
    yellow = "#ebcb8b",
    green = "#a3be8c",
    teal = "#96b5b4",
    pale_blue = "#8fa1b3",
    purple = "#b48ead",
    brown = "#ab7967";

    var playerData = [{
    value: <?=$data["player_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Online Players"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["max_players"];?>,
    color: pale_blue,
    label: "Free Slots"

    var animalData = [{
    value: <?=$data["bear_count"];?>,
    color: brown,
    label: "Bears"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["boar_count"];?>,
    color: purple,
    label: "Boars"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["stag_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Stags"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["wolf_count"];?>,
    color: orange,
    label: "Wolves"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["chicken_count"];?>,
    color: blue,
    label: "Chickens"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["horse_count"];?>,
    color: red,
    label: "Horses"

    var resourceData = [{
    value: <?=$data["metal_ore_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Metal Rock"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["stone_ore_count"];?>,
    color: red,
    label: "Stone Rock"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["sulfur_ore_count"];?>,
    color: blue,
    label: "Sulfur Rock"

    var plantData = [{
    value: <?=$data["corn_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Corn"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["pumpkin_count"];?>,
    color: red,
    label: "Pumpkins"

    var groundResourceData = [{
    value: <?=$data["ground_hemp_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Hemp"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_metal_count"];?>,
    color: red,
    label: "Metal Ore"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_mushroom_count"];?>,
    color: blue,
    label: "Mushroom"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_stone_count"];?>,
    color: orange,
    label: "Stone"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_sulfur_count"];?>,
    color: purple,
    label: "Sulfur Ore"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_wood_count"];?>,
    color: brown,
    label: "Wood"

    var entityData = [{
    value: <?=$data["player_count"];?>,
    color: green,
    label: "Players"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["bear_count"]+$data["boar_count"]+$data["wolf_count"]+$data["stag_count"]+$data["chicken_count"]+$data["horse_count"];?>,
    color: red,
    label: "Animals"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["metal_ore_count"]+$data["stone_ore_count"]+$data["sulfur_ore_count"];?>,
    color: blue,
    label: "Resources"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["corn_count"]+$data["pumpkin_count"];?>,
    color: orange,
    label: "Plants"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["ground_hemp_count"]+$data["ground_metal_count"]+$data["ground_mushroom_count"]+$data["ground_stone_count"]+$data["ground_sulfur_count"]+$data["ground_wood_count"];?>,
    color: purple,
    label: "Ground Resources"
    }, {
    value: <?=$data["tree_count"];?>,
    color: brown,
    label: "Trees"
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435947541][/DOUBLEPOST]also I try this modification as well but nothing change
    still there is no pie chart on my page blade.kalkavan.net

    Attached Files: