1. how do you collect the data and store it now then? that sounds a bit odd to me :p
  2. That is why you have to specify the query.php location, and that is how the rest of the stats are shown on the database. The server sends the all queries to the query.php, and then PHP processes them and puts them in the database. It is the long way around, but right now that is the only way.
  3. i see. it all makes sense to me now ;)
  4. Vilsol updated Stats with a new update entry:

    Security Tokens, Chart Values, Grouping Options

  5. @Vilsol Can you answer, why i can't see charts on index or live page? I've just updated plugin and www dir. But index page doesn't show any info.
  6. Seems like your webserver doesn't support short open tags. Open 'live.php' and change the first line from '<?' to '<?php'
  7. I just updated live.php file with something <?php=$data["bear_count"];?> - it not helps (http://st-rust.ru/stats/)
    PHP version 5.6.10 (FastCGI module)
  8. Yes you are right. Everything works fine!
  9. You shouldn't have replaced those with that as well. Try changing the "<?php=" to "<?php echo ". and make sure you add a space after echo!
  10. Changed <? to <?php only here and it works.
    Thnx a lot:
        $statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM live_data");
        $data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2015
  11. Hello, thanks for this unique plugin, I like it!!

    Seems I found a bug: if I set myself to the owner, then I am not in the list, but if I remvove myself and restart my game, then I am in.
  12. The live stats update only once every 60 seconds, so you probably disconnected just before it counted you in.
  13. when you get the time then a feature to disable the posision need to be made. it can me abused to find players to kill :p
  14. Yep, that's already on the suggestions list.
  15. awesome. for now i guess i will keep it private. you are doing a awesome work! ;)
  16. Victim field is empty

    Attached Files:

  17. That means you have deleted players from the database, or for some other reason they are not accounted in the database.
  18. Okey, I will check it again. Thx.
  19. If tooltips contain a lot of text, they are cut off

    Attached Files:

  20. They shouldn't contain a lot of text... They were built for this specific scenario without expected changes. Not sure how it could be fixed.