

Total Downloads: 5,595 - First Release: Apr 11, 2016 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. This plugin doesn't show the timers anymore since the update, besides that the core still works just not the warnings.
    I saw that beautyrestart still displays.
  2. Fujikura updated Smooth Restarter with a new update entry:


  3. Is anyone else experiencing /srestart 1 does not count down and restart the server, but /srestart 10 does?
  4. Cause of syncing with the server clock, before it internally counts down, it does currently not work with 1 minute. A probable safe working minimum is 2 minutes; 100% from 3 minutes and above.
  5. Hi,
    Just installed this plugin.
    First try... 1 minutes; nothing. My bad, need 2 or 3 minutes...
    Second try... 5 minutes. OK, server stop, but doesn't restart...
    How can I solve this ?
    Thanks ;)
  6. What host are you using? Some won't restart with this plugin like they should. This happened to me before. Switched hosts to NFO, works beautifully now.
  7. I'm hosted by VeryGames.
  8. That's one I have never heard of. I would switch to a provider like NFO who has their shit in order, who can accommodate the /srestart option.
  9. Can't confirm. Did a test today and it worked like it should.
  10. That's because of my host. Confirmed by their support.
    Damned :/
  11. plugin fails to identify oxide build. i'm using Rustide for Rust | Oxide is there anyone who knows of this or knows a fix?

      "Checks": {
        "autoRebootCountDown": 3,
        "checkIntervalMinutes": 5,
        "currentDevblog": 159,
        "currentOxideBuild": 0,
        "enableAutoChecks": true,
        "enableAutoReboot": true,
        "notifyOnlineAdmins": true
    "currentOxideBuild": 0, remains 0 for some reason?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2017
  12. Cause the new used Buildsources api's return no Buildversion anyore like Github did before (Those api endpoints i know currently).
  13. Can SmoothRestart cause map save issues? Because I have got invisible player bug on my server. And some of the players can't see thier beds on Death Screen. Problems happening after restarts. Wulf said "Search the plugins for any using the OnPlayerSleep hook or OnPlayerSleepEnded" and I found
    - OnPlayerSleep -
    1- DynamicCupShare.cs - (1 hit)
    2- FreeMap.cs - (2 hits)
    3- InfoPanel.cs (1 hit)
    4- NoEscape.cs (1 hit)
    5- NTeleportation.cs (1 hit)
    6- Vanish.cs (1 hit)
    7- ZLevelsRemastered.cs (2 hits)
    - "OnPlayerSleepEnded" (7 hits in 7 files) -
    1- DynamicCupShare.cs (1 hit)
    2- FreeMap.cs (1 hit)
    3- InfoPanel.cs (1 hit)
    4- NoEscape.cs (1 hit)
    5- NTeleportation.cs (1 hit)
    6- Vanish.cs (1 hit)
    7- ZLevelsRemastered.cs (1 hit)

    I dk which can cause a map save issue and invisible players or no beds on death screen...
  14. The plugin cannot produce such results, cause it uses for restart simply the inbuilt quit command.
  15. regardless of whether run via chat or console, the message will show but the restart doesnt seem to happen if the restart is run manually, automated works
  16. Fujikura updated Smooth Restarter with a new update entry:


  17. I have a question, if facepunch do quick fix patch after a devblog (it's happening sometimes), oxide do an update; so the number of devblog will not be changed, only oxide version.
    So my question is: if the plugin detect a new version of oxide only, it's will be auto restart? (with "enableAutoChecks" and "enableAutoReboot" set to true).
    I hope yes,
    Thanks for your answer.
  18. Nope. The initial needs to be triggered by a devblog. Only when there was change detected, then it does check for Oxide.