

Total Downloads: 5,594 - First Release: Apr 11, 2016 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. Sure it should. The plugin does simply quit the server, and then your hosting script should start it again.
  2. Well i can set it to auto shut down, and auto reboot from the server control panel, merely all i want is something to let people know when the server is about to reboot like a 10 minute warning before it does, so would this plugin forcing a shut down conflict with the fact that my Servers control panel handles both the shutdown and Restart, sorry i'm just kinda new to dealing with these sorts of plugins.
  3. Getting this error after update Error while compiling SmoothRestart.cs(424,11): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `connection' and no extension method `connection' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  4. Maybe look above your post? ;)
  5. Is there any way to manually run a "Check for update" and see the output in the server console ?

    I see there is the simulate patch but I would like to see if/how the plugin decides there is an update ready.

  6. On reload it does show you your current oxide version, and if that is latest or not.
    The simulation does exactly work like it would do in real, but it does try it with lowered version numbers.
    The output is the same, but with no restart command.
  7. does this still currently work? . also is their a way to check and see if my server auto restarts
  8. What should not there not work currently? The plugin is meant to auto quit on restart-timers. The restart needs to be managed by your start-script or by your hosting-panel.
    To simulate the check for updates it provides a command to test it.
  9. How come I can't find the config files for this plug in? Its loaded and console outputs show everything is up to date. however I can't find config files to change settings, looked in the config folder in the oxide directory. Thanks!

    EDIT: Nevermind, after a couple restarts it showed up right where it should be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2017
  10. Broken with new update

    11:17 [Error] Error while compiling SmoothRestart.cs(230,26): error CS1729: The type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a constructor that takes `1' arguments
  11. Same issue for me
  12. Does this plugin work with auto restarts? When the server does random restarts that I dont control
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What would it work with? Plugins cannot start the server, you'd need a script for that.
  14. Hello, yesterday install the plugin and everything perfect. Set to restart every 4 hours.

    But something strange happens, try to install a plugin and make it rust.reload and then the server crashed ...

    A few minutes ago I tried again and the same problem.

    Do you have any ideas?
  15. Not really...can be everything whats causing this..but plugins alone cannot crash the server.
  16. OK thanks! I see in the log that the problems are due to lack of Ram.

    I will change the host ... only has the server 4.6 gb of ram for 70 slot!
  17. So my server alerts me of an auto restart. Is there a way I can do a seconds count down with this plugin? I dont want to phyiscally do it. I want the plugin to do it.
  18. The plugin needs at minimum a 2 minute timer to start and countdown correct and to go into seconds afterwards. But beginning from seconds is not supported.