

Total Downloads: 5,594 - First Release: Apr 11, 2016 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. New version of Oxide came out today but the plugin never triggered a restart?
  2. @Fujikura I like the plugin
    I noticed today, SmoothRestart did not restart for devblog/oxide update

    line 274, CheckDevBlog()
    Okay so looks like this doesn't cause an autorestart and only notifies admins that are online, cool makes sense

    line 281, CheckOxideCommits()
    This might be the culprit: New snapshot build server and download locations | Oxide
  3. CHR


    They changed the place of getting the files so the plugin also checks the wrong space currently. It Needs a fix.
  4. Hello @Fujikura ,

    One update from me that might be useful - to change "shutdown" function to "restart" server function.
    I mean change this:
    to this:
    rust.RunServerCommand("global.restart", "0");
    secondsActive = false;

    Using this restart command will show in Lobby "Server is restarting" instead "Server shutdowning"..
    I used send to console command as I didn't find how to restart server using ConVar.Global...
  5. Anyone know how to solve this:

    Web request callback raised an exception (FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format)
  6. Plugin needs to be updated
  7. Plus it did not actually restart my server.....
  8. The pure restart function is not affected by being outdated or not working. it works also without that.
  9. so when i load this plugin does it just automatically sync with the 12 hour restart i currently have? What's the setup process?
  10. How do you mean "sync" wtih what?
    You need to define the RebootTimes like described on the plugin description.
  11. any chance someone could please post an example of what the bat. file should look like for a restart command ? I am really stuck on this and would find it a huge help... thanks x

    edit... never mind ... after ages of searching I have sorted it
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
  12. sr.restart 1 minute, doesnt work...
  13. take 2 minutes at minimum, 1 minute only has a bug
  14. Error while compiling: SmoothRestart.cs(389,71): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate
  15. Hi for some reason the plugin doesn't announce to the server that there will be a restart anyone can help me?
  16. Do not try with values under 2 minutes for manual restarts.
    Does the GUI not show the timer for planned restarts?
  17. This plugin doesn't show the timers anymore since the update, besides that the core still works just not the warnings.
    I saw that beautyrestart still displays.