

Total Downloads: 5,595 - First Release: Apr 11, 2016 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. Oh ok, it's a problem for the cases I said :/
    Can you do an option for initial needs to be triggered by a oxide change too?
    Because the exploit fix of rust are not annouced on devblog, but the oxide change yes.
  2. Nope, not that easy and not recommended, cause it would trigger ANY new oxide version, which can come out on irregular times. That could and would cause random restarts, if people do have enabled autoreboot.
  3. does anyone know the best way to automate updating the server now?
  4. Look into the rust tools section >>> Rust | Oxide
    Ther you find for sure something to create the right start script
  5. edit: accidently posted; you can remove this
  6. what is this
    (23:47:01) | [SmoothRestart] Server Patch restart in 2 minutes!

    whats the server patch restart
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That means a Rust server update was released.
  8. hmm but i have the newest version 1998 installed.. and the plugin makes restart 1 hour after i install the newest update..

    can i disable the automatic server patch restart ?
  9. It's be default anyway not enabled, so you did enable it recently :p
    enableAutoReboot = false
    Means what wulf already said shortly.
    Long story: It checks first for a new devblog, and then for a new oxidemod, and does then prepare a server "quit" to trigger any patchscripts you got, or your hosting company got...
    Then you got for sure the timers activated. The patch-dectection reboot does not trigger twice for the same versions form the evening.
  10. thanks very much
  11. Big question, whenever my server restarts. it rolls back like 20 seconds.
    is there any way to implement a Autosave script in this plugin?
    if so please let me know!
  12. The plugin uses the same command like the console command "quit" does. This way the server does do all it's things needed to save and shutdown the server.
  13. I have a question, checkIntervalMinutes": 5, it's not too short? no impact on server perfs?
    I just need too know if the server fps is not affected by checkIntervalMinutes
  14. I dont know how hard or soft a simple web-request does hit your server-perf :p
  15. delete
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2017
  16. How are you checking if there is a new Oxide version? I asked this question in the forum and Wulf directed me to this addon. But you must have a way to verify the Oxide version available in the online repository, how are you doing that? I am looking to find a way to incorporate that in my own script.
  17. I Dowload s restart but ı dont know default time I live in Brazil / EST ?
    "Timers": {
    "RebootTimes": {
    "11:15": "45", -
    "23:30": "30"
    "useTimers": false