Rules GUI

This plugin displays the rules on connect.

Total Downloads: 9,342 - First Release: Jul 19, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Change it in the config: "DisplayOnEveryConnect": false
  2. Thx for help, but see what i have here :

    void LoadVariables()
    backroundimageurl = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Backround", "ImageURL", ""));
    backroundimage = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Backround", "Enabled", false));
    displayoneveryconnect = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("Settings", "DisplayOnEveryConnect", false)); <-- May i change this ? The false to true ?
    kickmsg = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Messages", "KICK_MESSAGE", "You disagreed with the rules!"));
    text = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("Messages", "RULES_MESSAGE", new List<string>{
    "<color=cyan>Welcome!</color> <color=red>Bienvenue sur Les survivants de l'Apocalypse !</color>",
    "<color=yellow>1.</color> Le serveur possede des regles a respecter et un systeme de mise a prix utilisable par les joueurs grace a des commandes !!",
    "<color=yellow>2.</color> Avant tout, afin d'eviter d'etre kick ou ban par manque de respect des regles et pour etre informe des commandes et plugins disponnible rdv ici : ",
    "<color=yellow>3.</color> Règles du serveur",
    "<color=yellow>4.</color> Flood, flam, et spam sont interdit",
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Don't edit the plugin, edit the config under oxide/config.
  4. Sorry but, how i can do this ? Who to edit the config under oxide/config ?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Open it with Notepad, Notepad++, or similar editor (not WordPad).
  6. Okay thhhx a lot, i've find the way to do this ! :)
  7. What are all the colors that can be used and can you use hex codes
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check the Docs tab at the top of the site > Rust > Styling Guide. You can use hex colors.
  9. Is there a way to make this plugin open up with the command: /rules ? I don't have another plugin that would use this spot, and /rule is really a weird way to look up rules!
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can change the command in the plugin using a text editor such as Notepad++.
  11. Thanks for the direction to find this!
    I have finally fixed it! Thanks Wulf! :p
  12. Useful plugin, but for God's sake, don't make it reset the config file if you happen to make an error with your syntax! All your work is gone. Just let it show the error in your RCON interface.
  13. hi is there a way to edit the rules that are listed?
  14. It's in the config file.
  15. thank you
  16. My pleasure.
  17. Hello.. This is a really nice Plugin .. gj .. but I have an issue.. I changed it so it would appear every time someone joins the server but it didnt work.. I changed it from false to true
  18. Can I edit /rule command to /rules and how?
  19. After this last update to rust the images come in very distorted. Sortof hazey or low quality to say the least.
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'll need to wait for a Rust fix for that.