Rules GUI

This plugin displays the rules on connect.

Total Downloads: 9,342 - First Release: Jul 19, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. Could you add your .cs and config to a post?
  2. After Some while i got it now it works perfectly ^^
  3. Good to hear :)
  4. IT takes like 3 solid seconds to show the background image, is that intended ?
  5. Try to compress the image maybe. I've been meaning to look into why I'm experiencing this too, however I've not had a chance.
  6. I've tried with a 200kb compressed one! still the same, like 2-3 solid seconds its like not worth it
  7. Is there a way to use a locally file instead of url ?
  8. Im using RulesGUI, but i want to set a local image instead of URL, because it takes to much to load. Any ideas ?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The plugin would have to be re-written to handle local image storage using the sign storage in Rust. It'd be a good chunk of code to add.
  10. Is there another alternative? i just want a GUI with a background image that does not use URL based, because it takes too much
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Plugins? No that I know of. You could try an alternative image host.
  12. It takes like 2-3 seconds to load, 300kb file :S
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can shrink that a ton. Only make the image as big as you need and use a site such as
  14. Can you make it so you all of the rules show? like maybe a page feature or at least resize font to fit all text? I'm missing a couple rules because they don't all fit on the one page.
  15. Good evening.
    Is there a way to set up more than just Nine rules, thanks text size, it is just possible to set nine rule. I need more because I want to have my rules once in German and in English.
  16. Getting this error

    RulesGUI - Failed to compile: RulesGUI.cs(202,40): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `connection' and no extension method `connection' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Rules GUI with a new update entry:


  18. Code:
    (00:53:32) | Error while compiling RulesGUI.cs(202,40): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `connection' and no extension method `connection' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    You have mistake on Line 201:
    BasePlayer player = (BasePlayer)arg.Connection.player;
    Possible solution:
    BasePlayer player = arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer;
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update, I think you're using an old version.
  20. I could be using an old version too, but line 201 should have an upper case C for "arg.Connection". This fixed mine.