Rules GUI

This plugin displays the rules on connect.

Total Downloads: 9,342 - First Release: Jul 19, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. can i make more pages in rulesGui? Like first start page for rules, then second page for plugins, third for donations,...?
  2. Is there an actual fix for the timer error other than rolling back yet?
  3. What version did you have to rollback in order to fix that "issue" ?
  4. I haven't. I imagine it's the one before the current release though.
  5. Just don't mind this error.. I don't really know why it happens but you can just ignore it. The plugin itself works great.
  6. We don't like it spamming console haha
  7. Hi . I can't insert my image when i use /rule it's allways black in the background .
      "Backround": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "ImageURL": ""
      "Messages": {
        "KICK_MESSAGE": "You disagreed with the rules!",
        "RULES_MESSAGE": [
          "<color=cyan>Welcome!</color> <color=red>The following in-game activities are prohibited in the Game:</color>",
          "<color=yellow>1.</color> Use of bots, use of third-party software, bugs.",
          "<color=yellow>2.</color> Pretending to be a member of Administration.",
          "<color=yellow>3.</color> Fraud, other dishonest actions.",
          "<color=yellow>4.</color> Flooding, flaming, spam, printing in capital letters (CAPS LOCK).",
          "<color=yellow>5.</color> Creating obstructions for other users.",
          "<color=yellow>6.</color> Advertisement, political propaganda."
      "Settings": {
        "DisplayOnEveryConnect": true
    This is the Config .. where the problem thanks for the help
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
  8. anyway you could possible make this work for region of kings for me please i would do it but dont know how :D
  9. how do you change the colour of the text?
  10. Anyone have a fix? Seems RuleGUI isn't working
  11. Ok so I can't seem to get this working. it doesn't appear on connection even though its been set to do so and the command "/rules" doesn't even work it says the command is unknown. Anyone know whats going on? Does it have to be in a different folder than the oxide plugins folder?
  12. /rule

    not /rules because /rules is occupied by other plugin
  13. Hello, is possible to have more then one page typing /rules?
  14. Hey everyone,

    I just installed the rulesGGUI onto my server, pretty happy with it.

    if anyone has the time, can someone edit this for me so that it comes up all the time for every player when they login? not just once,


    toxikk007, rustnation admin.

    Attached Files:

  15. The config file attached shows that every connect should be triggering the rules. You probably need to go into data and delete the RulesGUI and then try reconnecting to test this.
    It's possible and wouldn't be too hard I think, but someone would have to code that for you.
  16. can you make something like this with /help? or make your own command with it with multiple costumizable gui's like this?
  17. There was a plugin that use to do something simular: GUI Help [Unmaintained] | Page 34 | Oxide - It's unmaintnained now but Wulf mentioned he may look into maintaining it if he's got time. It should still be functioning,. You'll be able to find the files by looking at the latest posts and looking for the .cs attachment.
  18. Yeah i have that at this moment, but i have it for a while now, and i would like to have something like this. with /help or /commands or something like that, Only if possible.
  19. I don't personally use a GUI. You could search through these 20 pages to see if anyones adding custom buttons and have uploaded the code. I use HelpText with CustomChatCommands and it looks like this: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2017
  20. Hi Im pretty new here and i instaled The gui and edit the rules and set the
    "DisplayOnEveryConnect": true
    But If i connect now I got this error
    Failed to run a 1.00 timer in 'RulesGUI v1.4.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at Oxide.Plugins.RulesGUI.DisplayUI (.BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.RulesGUI+<DisplayUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Saved 24,042 ents, serialization(0.00), write(0.01), disk(0.00) totalstall(0.01).
    Saving complete
    Can any Help Me ?