

Total Downloads: 2,855 - First Release: Jun 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. Hey Tarek any chance of getting the Patrol Helicopter added to the list? Anyone capable of bringing that down deserves a reward.
  2. Yes I'll add it in next version.
    I monitored my server today and it was working fine, I'm using default config (it shouldn't matter)
    But in case you updated from an older version I suggest deleting your config file and reloading the plugin, which lets it create a new one, maybe that fixes it, because the code is fine.

    Yup true, Thanks, will be added in next version
  3. hey @Tarek since you will add Patrol Helicopter, any chance you would add auto-turret? I think that anybody who will take down auto-turret deserves also a little reward ;)
  4. Could we get a permission based reward system? So we can organize higher tiers of pay per user group? it would be most appreciated and seems to be in quite high demand since alot of people seem to ask.
  5. Tarek updated Rewards with a new update entry:


    Ok it will be considered in the next version, alongside the weapon used and range awards
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
  6. Great work! Possible to have ability to change/disable chat notification.

    Many thanks
  7. Yup, you can change the messages from oxide/lang/Rewards.en.json
  8. I think "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim" is not working, it just says that i received the reward for killin someone but it doesnt show up in economics, but killing animals it does give me the economics. here is my config:
    "ActivityReward": 50.0,
    "ActivityReward_Enabled": false,
    "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 30.0,
    "autoturret": 150.0,
    "bear": 35.0,
    "boar": 15.0,
    "chicken": 15.0,
    "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": true,
    "helicopter": 250.0,
    "horse": 15.0,
    "human": 50.0,
    "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": true,
    "stag": 10.0,
    "UseClansPlugin": true,
    "UseEconomicsPlugin": true,
    "UseFriendsPlugin": true,
    "UseServerRewardsPlugin": false,
    "WelcomeMoney": 250.0,
    "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": false,
    "wolf": 30.0
  9. Should be a problem with Econominc's exposed function "Transfer", because as long as you got the message that means my plugin is doing its job.
    Disable TakeMoneyFromVictim for now, ill release a fix asap. Thanks for pointing it out and sorry for any inconvenience

    Edit: it works perfectly fine for me, I tested it today on my server, are you sure?
    Are you using latest version of both plugins? Economics and Rewards
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  10. 1) Why is serverRewards for rust mandatory for this plugin ?
    2) May I use this with robbery as well without anyconflict ?

    I use robbery to get money from other players and I would like to use this one for animals / helico / turrets ? Thx.
  11. 1-it's not mandatory. It's stated on the first line of the description "You need at least one (or both)", but I put them in Required dependencies because at least one of them is required.

    2-You can disable Economics_TakeMoneyFromVictim if you want to leave that part for Robbery plugin.
    But you'll still get money on player kill, just that the money won't be taken from the victim, I'm guessing you want to disable that. You can't currently but I'll add an option for it asap.
  12. Thanks for the rapid answer. In fact I only use robbery for this option : steal "5%" of a player'money when he is killed. We don t use it to take money when he is on the ground, sleeping ( you get money only with a kill ).
    I this plugin does it too, then I think I will remove robbery to use this one as it seems more complete.

    I suppose then it would be like this : ( the number is the amount of $ we get right ? so in this example if someone kills a player ( who is not in his own clan ) he will get 50$ right ?

      "ActivityReward": 25.0,
      "ActivityReward_Enabled": false,
      "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 30.0,
      "autoturret": 150.0,
      "bear": 35.0,
      "boar": 15.0,
      "chicken": 15.0,
      "helicopter": 250.0,
      "horse": 15.0,
      "human": 50.0,
      "stag": 10.0,
      "wolf": 30.0,
      "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": true,
      "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
      "UseClansPlugin": true,
      "UseEconomicsPlugin": true,
      "UseFriendsPlugin": true,
      "UseServerRewardsPlugin": false,
      "WelcomeMoney": 500.0,
      "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": true
  13. Hi
    Great plugin!
    But what is the minimum example for "bear" ?
    When i put in config file 1.0 or 20.0 works well with ServerRewards, but when i put 0.2 example i don't have that points when i kill bear.
  14. Yes exactly, the killer will get $50 and the victim will lose $50, so it's like a transfer.
    I might add a separate option for how much the victim loses, I think that will be useful for some people.
    That depends on ServerRewards and Economics plugin, Economics can take values with decimal places afaik, but ServerRewards only takes full numbers (it uses integers), so you can't get 0.2 points, nor 1.6 for example, but 1,2,3 or anything of that sort
  15. Tarek updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  16. Will the new update affect performance on high pop servers?
  17. I didn't test on a high pop, but I really don't think few if statements on local variables (since the whole config is loaded to buffer when the plugin is loaded, meaning it will only read the config file once, when loaded) would cause any performance issues.

    But anyways if you experience any slight issue (pretty sure you won't), you can disable both Multiplier options from config and tell me, I'll try to optimize it more if there's any room for further optimization.
  18. where is the entry for the pistol ? :)
  19. I'll add all weapons soon (just in a few hours).
    I just chose the "special" ones for first release that's why it's not included yet
  20. ah ok , nice work