
Building and entity removal tool

Total Downloads: 62,871 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 7, 2018

5/5, 105 likes
  1. Been getting this error lately.....not sure what it means or if it is anything to be concerned about...

    KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String].get_Item (System.String key) Oxide.Plugins.RemoverTool.GetRefund (.BaseEntity TargetEntity) Oxide.Plugins.RemoverTool.GUIRefundUpdate (.BasePlayer player, Boolean useRefund, .BaseEntity TargetEntity) Oxide.Plugins.RemoverTool+ToolRemover.RemoveUpdate ()
  2. Is there a way to make it so that the remover tool requires entity owner and building privilege? I tried within the config but it didn't seem to work.
  3. Nevermind, I managed to do it
  4. Anyone have a config with all the new items added in? Including the christmas stuff.
  5. Hey guys im a lil confused im trying to set it so if you authorise your self on a tc that yohucan remove any walls ect would someone have a copy of a .jason file that is setup this way
  6. Hello,

    on our server i want that normal users cannot use /remove all. only the normal one.
    what did i have to edit exactly in config?
  7. If you create a campfire, remove the wood from the campfire, then remove the campfire using the tool, then place it again, the campfire still gets placed with 50 wood inside. Basically a duplication "bug." Is there a way this can be fixed or is the only solution to not allow campfire refunds?
  8. Currently: Yes
  9. Ok thanks for the quick reply!
  10. I wanted to know if anyone ever had the issues with the remove tool were 1 or 2 people that are default permission can remove anything they want to? Some reason I had someone just going around able to remove any box or anything they wanted just after this last wipe on 1/4/18 wanted to see if anyone could help me in a direction finding out what allowed this.
  11. Not sure if I missed it, but I'd like to see an option that prevents using the remove tool if someone is raiding.

    EDIT: I just found NoEscape for Rust | Oxide
  12. There are certain items that cannot be removed like Workbenches. Also i cant remove sheet metal walls or sheet metal anything for that matter. Is there a setting or something in the config thats out of place or incorrect?
  13. is there anyway i can let normal players use the tool?
  14. Hi
    Had major issues with gameservers yet again. one of my servers would not boot up so redid the rust update then the oxide update and all seem ok for 8 hours then it just kicked all players and nobody could connect.
    Gameservers did some changes, I removed all plugins now server is booted no problem but with no plugins. I've added them back 1 by 1 but get errors on a few of them, i've downloaded the latest version and still the same, think it might be the version of oxide they are linking too this is the error i get from installing RemoverTool

    Error while compiling: RemoverTool.cs(862,28): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `serverInput' and no extension method `serverInput' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  15. They wrecked the installed Oxide version for sure... sure to 100%
  16. I set a price for tiers to use economics (withdraw), but for some reason i can not use it.What am i doing wrong here?
    See this picture and config:
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Admin": 2,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - All": 2,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Normal": 0,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Override": 1,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Target": 1,
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Admin": "removertool.admin",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - All": "removertool.all",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Normal": "removertool.remove",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Override": "removertool.override",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Target": "removertool.target",
      "Remove - Check held item - Always": false,
      "Remove - Check held item - Start": true,
      "Remove - Cooldown - Enabled": false,
      "Remove - Cooldown - ExcludeAdmins": true,
      "Remove - Cooldown - Time": 60.0,
      "Remove - Distance - Admin": 20,
      "Remove - Distance - All/Structure": 100,
      "Remove - Distance - Normal": 3,
      "Remove - Gibs - Admin": true,
      "Remove - Gibs - All": false,
      "Remove - Gibs - Normal": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Allowed Background": "0.1 1 0.1 0.3",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Refused Background": "1 0.1 0.1 0.3",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Max Anchor (in Entity Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Min Anchor (in Entity Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Max Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.4 0.95",
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Min Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.1 0.65",
      "Remove - GUI - Price": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.80",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.60",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.3 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.35 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.60",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.40",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.3 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.35 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Max Anchor (in Remove Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Min Anchor (in Remove Box)": "0.1 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Color": "1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Max Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0.9 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Min Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - Normal - Allowed Entities": {
        "Metal": true,
        "Stone": true,
        "TopTier": true,
        "Twigs": true,
        "Wood": true
      "Remove - Normal - Drop items from StorageContainer": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Enable remove of not empty storages": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Price": {
        "Metal": {
          "withdraw": 200
        "Stone": {
          "withdraw": 150
        "TopTier": {
          "withdraw": 300
        "Twigs": {
          "withdraw": 20
        "Wood": {
          "withdraw": 100
      "Remove - Normal - PriceEnabled": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Buildings": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players - Radius": 120,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - Time": 300,
      "Remove - Normal - Refund": {
        "Metal": {
          "metal fragments": 50
        "Stone": 50,
        "Tool Cupboard": {
          "tool cupboard": 1
        "TopTier": {
          "high quality metal": 2
        "Twigs": {
          "wood": 1
        "Wood": {
          "wood": 10
      "Remove - Normal - RefundEnabled": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects - exclude BuildingBlocks": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects percentage": 90,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Building Owners (You will need Building Owners plugin)": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Clans": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Entity Owners": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (Friends)": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (RustIO)": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Tool Cupboards (strongly unrecommended)": false,
      "Remove - Time - Default": 30,
      "Remove - Time - Max": 300

    Attached Files:

  17. ...And if i set price back to materials it works.Just wont work with "withdraw"
    I do have Economics plugin
  18. Hey, i used to have this plugin setup so that if the guy that if u didnt have building priv you could no longer /remove even if u were the owner, i think i had custom code involved but lost it.. does anyone have a fix for that handy?

    heres my config.

      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Admin": 2,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - All": 2,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Normal": 0,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Override": 1,
      "Remove - Access - AuthLevel - Target": 1,
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Admin": "removertool.admin",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - All": "removertool.all",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Normal": "removertool.remove",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Override": "removertool.override",
      "Remove - Access - Oxide Permissions - Target": "removertool.target",
      "Remove - Check held item - Always": false,
      "Remove - Check held item - Start": false,
      "Remove - Cooldown - Enabled": false,
      "Remove - Cooldown - ExcludeAdmins": true,
      "Remove - Cooldown - Time": 60.0,
      "Remove - Distance - Admin": 20,
      "Remove - Distance - All/Structure": 100,
      "Remove - Distance - Normal": 2,
      "Remove - Gibs - Admin": true,
      "Remove - Gibs - All": false,
      "Remove - Gibs - Normal": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Allowed Background": "0.1 1 0.1 0.3",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
      "Remove - GUI - Authorization Check Hightlighting Box - Refused Background": "1 0.1 0.1 0.3",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.8",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Max Anchor (in Entity Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Min Anchor (in Entity Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Entity - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Max Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.4 0.95",
      "Remove - GUI - Main Box - Min Anchor (in Rust Window)": "0.1 0.65",
      "Remove - GUI - Price": false,
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.80",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.60",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.3 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Price Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Price Box)": "0.35 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Price - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund": true,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 0.60",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.40",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.3 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.05 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Max Anchor (in Refund Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Min Anchor (in Refund Box)": "0.35 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Refund - Text2 - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Max Anchor (in Remove Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Min Anchor (in Remove Box)": "0.1 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Color": "1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Remove - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Background Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Max Anchor (in Main Box)": "1 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Box - Min Anchor (in Main Box)": "0.55 0.9",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Max Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0.9 1",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Min Anchor (in Timeleft Box)": "0 0",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Color": "1 1 1 0.98",
      "Remove - GUI - Timeleft - Text - Text Size": 16,
      "Remove - Normal - Allowed Entities": {
        "A floor grill": true,
        "Armored Door": true,
        "Armored Double Door": true,
        "Auto Turret": true,
        "Barbed Wooden Barricade": true,
        "Bed": true,
        "Camp Fire": true,
        "Ceiling Light": true,
        "Chainlink Fence": true,
        "Chainlink Fence Gate": true,
        "Code Lock": true,
        "Concrete Barricade": true,
        "Corn Clone": true,
        "Door Closer": true,
        "Doorway": true,
        "Double Sign Post": true,
        "Flame Turret": true,
        "Floor": true,
        "Floor Frame": true,
        "Floor Triangle": true,
        "Foundation": true,
        "Foundation Steps": true,
        "Fridge": true,
        "Furnace": true,
        "Hemp Clone": true,
        "High External Stone Gate": true,
        "High External Stone Wall": true,
        "High External Wooden Gate": true,
        "High External Wooden Wall": true,
        "Huge Wooden Sign": true,
        "Jack O Lantern Angry": true,
        "Jack O Lantern Happy": true,
        "Ladder Hatch": true,
        "Land Mine": true,
        "Landscape Picture Frame": true,
        "Lantern": true,
        "Large Banner Hanging": true,
        "Large Banner on pole": true,
        "Large Furnace": true,
        "Large Planter Box": true,
        "Large Water Catcher": true,
        "Large Wood Box": true,
        "Large Wooden Sign": true,
        "Lock": true,
        "Low Wall": true,
        "Metal": true,
        "Metal Barricade": true,
        "Metal horizontal embrasure": true,
        "Metal Shop Front": true,
        "Metal Vertical embrasure": true,
        "Metal Window Bars": true,
        "Mining Quarry": true,
        "One Sided Town Sign Post": true,
        "Pillar": true,
        "Pookie Bear": true,
        "Portrait Picture Frame": true,
        "Prison Cell Gate": true,
        "Prison Cell Wall": true,
        "Pump Jack": true,
        "Pumpkin Plant Clone": true,
        "Reactive Target": true,
        "Reinforced Window Bars": true,
        "Repair Bench": true,
        "Research Table": true,
        "Roof": true,
        "Salvaged Shelves": true,
        "Sandbag Barricade": true,
        "Sheet Metal Door": true,
        "Sheet Metal Double Door": true,
        "Shop Front": true,
        "Single Sign Post": true,
        "Sleeping Bag": true,
        "Small Oil Refinery": true,
        "Small Planter Box": true,
        "Small Stash": true,
        "Small Stocking": true,
        "Small Water Catcher": true,
        "Small Wooden Sign": true,
        "Snap Trap": true,
        "Stairs L Shape": true,
        "Stone": true,
        "Stone Barricade": true,
        "SUPER Stocking": true,
        "Survival Fish Trap": true,
        "Tall Picture Frame": true,
        "Tool Cupboard": true,
        "TopTier": true,
        "Triangle Foundation": true,
        "Tuna Can Lamp": true,
        "Twigs": true,
        "Two Sided Hanging Sign": true,
        "Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign": true,
        "Two Sided Town Sign Post": true,
        "U Shaped Stairs": true,
        "Vending Machine": true,
        "Wall": true,
        "Wall Frame": true,
        "Water Barrel": true,
        "Water Purifier": true,
        "Wind Turbine": true,
        "Window": true,
        "Wood": true,
        "Wood Double Door": true,
        "Wood Shutters": true,
        "Wood Storage Box": true,
        "Wooden Barricade": true,
        "Wooden Door": true,
        "Wooden Floor Spikes": true,
        "Wooden Ladder": true,
        "Wooden Sign": true,
        "Wooden Window Bars": true,
        "XL Picture Frame": true,
        "XXL Picture Frame": true
      "Remove - Normal - Drop items from StorageContainer": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Enable remove of not empty storages": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Price": {
        "A floor grill": {
          "metal fragments": 0,
          "wood": 0
      "Remove - Normal - PriceEnabled": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Buildings": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players": true,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - By Surrounding Players - Radius": 60,
      "Remove - Normal - RaidBlocker - Time": 10,
      "Remove - Normal - Refund": {
        "A floor grill": {
          "a floor grill": 1
        "Armored Door": {
          "armored door": 1
        "Armored Double Door": {
          "armored double door": 1
        "Auto Turret": {
          "auto turret": 1
        "Barbed Wooden Barricade": {
          "barbed wooden barricade": 1
        "Barbeque": {
          "barbeque": 1
        "Bed": {
          "bed": 1
        "Camp Fire": {},
        "Ceiling Light": {},
        "Chainlink Fence": {
          "chainlink fence": 1
        "Chainlink Fence Gate": {
          "chainlink fence gate": 1
        "Chair": {
          "chair": 1
        "Christmas Lights": {
          "christmas lights": 1
        "Christmas Tree": {
          "christmas tree": 1
        "Code Lock": {
          "code lock": 1
        "Concrete Barricade": {
          "concrete barricade": 1
        "Corn Clone": {
          "corn clone": 1
        "Door Closer": {
          "door closer": 1
        "Double Sign Post": {
          "double sign post": 1
        "Drop Box": {
          "drop box": 1
        "Festive Doorway Garland": {
          "festive doorway garland": 1
        "Flame Turret": {
          "flame turret": 1
        "Floor grill": {
          "floor grill": 1
        "Fridge": {
          "fridge": 1
        "Furnace": {},
        "Garage Door": {
          "garage door": 1
        "Hemp Clone": {
          "hemp clone": 1
        "High External Stone Gate": {
          "high external stone gate": 1
        "High External Stone Wall": {
          "high external stone wall": 1
        "High External Wooden Gate": {
          "high external wooden gate": 1
        "High External Wooden Wall": {
          "high external wooden wall": 1
        "Huge Wooden Sign": {
          "huge wooden sign": 1
        "Jack O Lantern Angry": {
          "jack o lantern angry": 1
        "Jack O Lantern Happy": {
          "jack o lantern happy": 1
        "Ladder Hatch": {
          "ladder hatch": 1
        "Land Mine": {
          "land mine": 1
        "Landscape Picture Frame": {
          "landscape picture frame": 1
        "Lantern": {},
        "Large Banner Hanging": {
          "large banner hanging": 1
        "Large Banner on pole": {
          "large banner on pole": 1
        "Large Furnace": {},
        "Large Planter Box": {
          "large planter box": 1
        "Large Water Catcher": {
          "large water catcher": 1
        "Large Wood Box": {
          "large wood box": 1
        "Large Wooden Sign": {
          "large wooden sign": 1
        "Lock": {
          "lock": 1
        "Locker": {
          "locker": 1
        "Mail Box": {
          "mail box": 1
        "Metal": {
          "metal fragments": 50
        "Metal Barricade": {
          "metal barricade": 1
        "Metal horizontal embrasure": {
          "metal horizontal embrasure": 1
        "Metal Shop Front": {
          "metal shop front": 1
        "Metal Vertical embrasure": {
          "metal vertical embrasure": 1
        "Metal Window Bars": {
          "metal window bars": 1
        "Mining Quarry": {
          "mining quarry": 1
        "Netting": {
          "netting": 1
        "One Sided Town Sign Post": {
          "one sided town sign post": 1
        "Pookie Bear": {
          "pookie bear": 1
        "Portrait Picture Frame": {
          "portrait picture frame": 1
        "Prison Cell Gate": {
          "prison cell gate": 1
        "Prison Cell Wall": {
          "prison cell wall": 1
        "Pump Jack": {
          "pump jack": 1
        "Pumpkin Plant Clone": {
          "pumpkin plant clone": 1
        "Reactive Target": {
          "reactive target": 1
        "Reinforced Glass Window": {
          "reinforced glass window": 1
        "Reinforced Window Bars": {
          "reinforced window bars": 1
        "Repair Bench": {
          "repair bench": 1
        "Research Table": {
          "research table": 1
        "Rug": {
          "rug": 1
        "Rug Bear Skin": {
          "rug bear skin": 1
        "Salvaged Shelves": {
          "salvaged shelves": 1
        "Sandbag Barricade": {
          "sandbag barricade": 1
        "Scarecrow": {
          "scarecrow": 1
        "Search Light": {
          "search light": 1
        "Sheet Metal Door": {
          "sheet metal door": 1
        "Sheet Metal Double Door": {
          "sheet metal double door": 1
        "Shop Front": {
          "shop front": 1
        "Shotgun Trap": {
          "shotgun trap": 1
        "Single Sign Post": {
          "single sign post": 1
        "Skull Fire Pit": {
          "skull fire pit": 1
        "Sleeping Bag": {
          "sleeping bag": 1
        "Small Oil Refinery": {
          "small oil refinery": 1
        "Small Planter Box": {
          "small planter box": 1
        "Small Stash": {
          "small stash": 1
        "Small Stocking": {
          "small stocking": 0
        "Small Water Catcher": {
          "small water catcher": 1
        "Small Wooden Sign": {
          "small wooden sign": 1
        "Snap Trap": {
          "snap trap": 1
        "Snowman": {
          "snowman": 1
        "Spinning wheel": {
          "spinning wheel": 1
        "Stone": 50,
        "Stone Barricade": {
          "stone barricade": 1
        "Stone Fireplace": {
          "stone fireplace": 1
        "SUPER Stocking": {
          "super stocking": 0
        "Survival Fish Trap": {
          "survival fish trap": 1
        "Table": {
          "table": 1
        "Tall Picture Frame": {
          "tall picture frame": 1
        "Tool Cupboard": {},
        "TopTier": {
          "high quality metal": 2
        "Tuna Can Lamp": {},
        "Twigs": {
          "wood": 1
        "Two Sided Hanging Sign": {
          "two sided hanging sign": 1
        "Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign": {
          "two sided ornate hanging sign": 1
        "Two Sided Town Sign Post": {
          "two sided town sign post": 1
        "Vending Machine": {
          "vending machine": 1
        "Water Barrel": {
          "water barrel": 1
        "Water Purifier": {
          "water purifier": 1
        "Wind Turbine": {
          "wind turbine": 1
        "Wood": {
          "wood": 10
        "Wood Double Door": {
          "wood double door": 1
        "Wood Shutters": {
          "wood shutters": 1
        "Wood Storage Box": {
          "wood storage box": 1
        "Wooden Barricade": {
          "wooden barricade": 1
        "Wooden Door": {
          "wooden door": 1
        "Wooden Floor Spikes": {
          "wooden floor spikes": 1
        "Wooden Ladder": {
          "wooden ladder": 1
        "Wooden Sign": {
          "wooden sign": 1
        "Wooden Window Bars": {
          "wooden window bars": 1
        "Work Bench Level 1": {
          "work bench level 1": 1
        "Work Bench Level 2": {
          "work bench level 2": 1
        "Work Bench Level 3": {
          "work bench level 3": 1
        "XL Picture Frame": {
          "xl picture frame": 1
        "XXL Picture Frame": {
          "xxl picture frame": 1
      "Remove - Normal - RefundEnabled": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects - exclude BuildingBlocks": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Remove fractioned objects percentage": 90,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Building Owners (You will need Building Owners plugin)": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Clans": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Entity Owners": true,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (Friends)": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Friends (RustIO)": false,
      "Remove - Normal - Use Tool Cupboards (strongly unrecommended)": false,
      "Remove - Time - Default": 60,
      "Remove - Time - Max": 600
  19. Hey, does anyone have the custom code for removerTool so that if u dont have build priv it wont let u /remove the item even if u placed it? I have it setup so that only the person that placed the item can remove it, no other plugins

    I want it to only allow the person that placed the item remove it, but not if they dont have build priv