1. Clan Tag go on and off where? You mean on chat? On player's head? ...
  2. on chat, they have the clan tag, then they dont, then it goes back then it goes away all of the sudden for a bit
  3. It doesn't go off. The problem is that clan chat sometimes goes to global chat and so the tag. I still didn't understood why so can't fix the issue yet.
  4. hello, how can i fix this, plugin worked perfectly for 2 days... but suddenly about every 5 minutes it changes from normal to html code, after couple of minutes it fix itself or when i reload the plugin, can you help please ?

  5. I believe you have to many <end> or coding is wrong in the adverts or welcomemessages check to make sure you not put in too many <end> or colors
  6. you are genius, one <end> too much as u predicted, u should play bingo ;d, thank you <3
  7. NP

    it happened to me as well my friend. I try to only help when I can!!
  8. Hello. That's a nice plugin :) ... but is it a bug or why cant i invite some people with long name or a backspace between?
    excample: i can't invite MrLurch double-u.
  9. /clan invite "MrLurch double-u" (using " " )
  10. Oh Thank you :) my mistake
  11. Does the chat log no longer work after clans is installed. Mine no longer updates
    nevermind i found it .. sorry
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2016
  12. SouZa updated HW Clans with a new update entry:


    [BetterChat Compatibility] I upload here an updated version of Better Chat | Oxide to allow compatibility with this plugin. Make sure your data/BetterChat/Groups.json are edited so that Formatting field on all groups has the {ClanTag}. Example:
        "Formatting": {
          "Console": "{Title} {ClanTag} {Name}: {Message}",
          "Chat": "{Title} {ClanTag} {Name}: {Message}"

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
  13. Hello, I can not figure out friendly fire, give a screenshot or detailed answer.
    I will be grateful.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2016
  14. There is no ff yet.
  15. Wat?
    And what's that?

    Attached Files:

    • FF.png
      File size:
      6.3 KB
  16. It's exactly what it says, To Do List. Means I will eventually do it but it's not done yet : )
  17. How to add limit of members in clan?
  18. Not available yet. Was never requested until now : )
  19. PT:
    É muito dificil? Pois seria bem interessante, eu queria criar tipo um limite de pessoas no clan, pois se não fica muito ruim para quem joga sozinho e tem clan com 20 pessoas.

    It is very difficult to create? It would be interesting I think.
  20. It's easy I'll do it.