

Total Downloads: 35,353 - First Release: Sep 18, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 74 likes
  1. The last update has helped a ton. Just FYI, sometimes seeing the timer not work.
    My settings are 45min-60min
    Heli time to live is 14 mins.
    Does callheli mess with timer?

    (16:41:59) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 45 minutes
    (17:44:36) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (18:36:19) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 51 minutes
    (19:37:42) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (20:31:57) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 46 minutes
    (21:28:54) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (22:31:01) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 50 minutes
    (23:39:30) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 55 minutes
    (00:52:49) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (01:55:11) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 55 minutes
    (03:08:27) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 41 minutes
    (04:07:32) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 53 minutes
    (05:18:17) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 56 minutes
    (06:32:40) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 45 minutes
    (07:35:44) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 47 minutes
    (08:41:02) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 53 minutes
    (09:51:38) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 42 minutes
    (09:56:16) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 53 minutes
    (11:07:34) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 59 minutes
    (12:24:21) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 50 minutes
    (13:31:57) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 42 minutes
    (14:32:00) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 46 minutes
    (15:25:26) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (16:19:48) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 48 minutes
    (17:16:24) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 44 minutes
    (18:06:12) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 49 minutes < stopped calling here
    (10:02:41) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 42 minutes < server reboot
    (10:57:39) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 53 minutes
    (12:00:07) | [HeliControl] Next Helicopter spawn: 45 minutes < stopped again. no new heli since here. it is 16:19:05 right now.
  2. I'm not really sure why it would happen, and from what you've shown, the issue seems fairly sporadic which, of course, means it will be hard to track down. The only thing I can think of is if you have "Automatically call helicopter if one is already flying" set to false, and the timer fires while a second helicopter is up (most likely from callheli) and it just stops there. The way the new spawning works is on a per-heli basis, so if this one timer is told to stop because of another helicopter already flying, it won't call itself again unless the plugin is reloaded. This isn't a bug exactly, but more of an oversight.
  3. I'll change it to TRUE and see what happens.
    Thanks for replying.
  4. Sorry to be a burden, hoping you can give me a hand here but I cant seem to get the plugin to work :/ I had it running on a server many, many updates ago, was straight forward, plug and play basically, this time not so much..
    Maybe im doing something wrong lol.
    So first off, despite being admin on my server, "/callheli" says I haven't got permission to do so? cant "F1" and do it either and cant do it from a console, all it does in "F1" and the console is leave a blank space, no errors or anything.
    I have tried tweaking the config files with no luck, reloading the plugin and even removing all data for it and then re adding it to the server (obviously with stopping and starting the server).
    I have also checked to make sure that the plugin is actually running with no errors too, it loads fine and even kills more then 1 chopper if i spawn 2 in with the "heli.calltome" command from "F1".

    Any ideas what im doing wrong here?
    Can add logs and what not if you need.
    Thanks in advance
  5. Sounds like you didn't grant yourself the necessary permissions. The quickest way to grant you or your group permissions to all commands is to do the following in your server console:
    oxide.grant user UserName helicontrol.admin
    I'd advise reading up on Oxide permissions if you're not familiar with them: Using the Oxide permission system
    The overview page of this plugin also has a list of all permissions.
  6. Much Appreciated, its been a long time since I last ran a server, all sorted, Thanks!!
  7. I have a little problem, on our server we created a heli-zone so other players don't get their base destroyed by unwanted heli's. I created a bunch of custom spawn points in that zone and enabled the custom spawns in the config file. But it still spawns far away from the zones, is there anything I'm missing? :D
  8. Is it not impractical to have a heli spawn right above you when your in a zone? i thought that was the reason for the heli entering the map in the first place? lol
    Regardless, heli's shouldn't attack bases unless it first targets and attacks an armed player first?
    Im sure shady can answer but im not 100% sure
  9. yep I agree on that, but players can order a ''personal'' heli from their RP points in our server, which means it spawns random in the map, and we always have a few bright lights that start shooting it in heavy-build areas so at least 4-5 damages bases after a heli :p But it's PVE, so you can imagine that it pisses other players off, that's why I thought of spawning it inside the zone only cause there they know they have the risk for the heli :)
  10. well thats a good way to do it i suppose :p not entirely sure how you can get it to spawn straight there unless you use the console command for it, see here for that command (trying not to advertise), only problem is that way requires an admin or mod with permissions to be active and with the player in question, again though, im not sure what shady has as an idea
  11. It's been a while since I've tested or changed the custom spawns. I'll have to do a test locally to see if it still works for me.
  12. Hey shady it's still showing failed to call hook on.

    Failed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned' on plugin 'HeliControl v1.2.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at Oxide.Plugins.HeliControl.OnEntitySpawned (.BaseNetworkable entity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.HeliControl.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  13. As I stated on my last reply, please try to take note of what the Helicopter is doing when the error happens. I need some more info, because so far, I've been unable to reproduce the issue.
  14. is there a command we can use to see how long it is before the next heli will spawn

    For example ?

  15. There isn't currently, but it's a good idea.
    I'm asking this question to anyone who's interested in this command: Would you prefer if this had a permission to use it, like all other commands, or was just always usable by everyone? I imagine there are a few who would prefer the permission (which I think is the better option), but some might be annoyed by having to grant another permission. ;)
  16. Code:
      "Cooldowns": {
        "Cooldown.0": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.1": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.2": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.3": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.4": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.5": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.6": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.7": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.8": 3600.0,
        "Cooldown.9": 3600.0
      "Damage - Global damage multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gibs - Health of gibs": 500.0,
      "Gibs - Time until gibs can be harvested in seconds": 480.0,
      "Health - Base Helicopter health": 10000.0,
      "Health - Main rotor health": 750.0,
      "Health - Tail rotor health": 375.0,
      "Limits": {
        "Limit.0": 5,
        "Limit.1": 5,
        "Limit.2": 5,
        "Limit.3": 5,
        "Limit.4": 5,
        "Limit.5": 5,
        "Limit.6": 5,
        "Limit.7": 5,
        "Limit.8": 5,
        "Limit.9": 5
      "Loot - Max Crates to drop": 4,
      "Loot - Time before unlocking crates": -1.0,
      "Loot - Use Custom loot spawns": false,
      "Misc - Helicopter can shoot while dying": true,
      "Misc - Helicopter speed": 25.0,
      "Misc - Helicopter startup length in seconds": 0.0,
      "Misc - Helicopter startup speed": 25.0,
      "Misc - Maximum helicopter life time in minutes": 20,
      "Misc - Prevent crates from spawning when forcefully killing helicopter": true,
      "Misc - Water required to extinguish napalm flames": 10000,
      "Rockets - Blunt damage to deal": 175.0,
      "Rockets - Explosion damage to deal": 100.0,
      "Rockets - Explosion radius": 6.0,
      "Rockets - Max helicopter rockets": 18,
      "Rockets - Time between each rocket in seconds": 0.2,
      "Spawning - Automatically call helicopter between max seconds": 3600.0,
      "Spawning - Automatically call helicopter between min seconds": 4000.0,
      "Spawning - Automatically call helicopter if one is already flying": false,
      "Spawning - Disable Helicopter": false,
      "Spawning - Disable helicopter gibs": false,
      "Spawning - Disable helicopter napalm": false,
      "Spawning - Disable Rust's default spawns": true,
      "Spawning - Max active helicopters": -1,
      "Spawning - Use custom helicopter spawns": true,
      "Spawning - Use static spawning": false,
      "Turrets - Helicopter bullet accuracy": 2.0,
      "Turrets - Helicopter bullet damage": 20.0,
      "Turrets - Helicopter bullet speed": 250,
      "Turrets - Max range": 300.0,
      "Turrets - Time between turret bursts in seconds": 3.0,
      "Turrets - Turret burst length in seconds": 3.0,
      "Turrets - Turret fire rate in seconds": 0.125
    either tbh - the reason i ask is because im not seeing helis on my server unless i specifiically spawn one myself and i use heli control.
    I think i may have my config all wrong and this command would tell me when one was due.
  17. Your minimum and maximum seconds are mixed up. 4000 should be max, 3600 min. ;)
  18. will fix that now cheers
  19. looks like my heli does not spawn any loot
  20. If you're spawning Helicopters in through callheli, ensure you do not have the permission "helicontrol.nodrop"