

Total Downloads: 1,122 - First Release: Mar 22, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Hi,

    Can you please contact our support team at GPAY PTY LTD
  2. Hello, I'm using the plugin: Rust: clans. When I try to buy a kit, I will not get anything after buying on <nick>. Because I use [clan] in game it says: no donations was found.
    In the game I use TAG "clan". After purchasing and adding to the store the name [Clan] username will give me a reward. Can not turn off the clan tag verification?

    use this ? ↓
      "command" : "usergroup add <tag> <username> vip+"
  3. Hey Guys,

    We are releasing an update that will support the clans plugin, it will be released on Sunday 21/05/2017 AEST
  4. Happens, when someone is trying to claim stuff (version 0.3). They see only "please, wait" message. Maybe because of unicode symbols in nickname. I see "?" symbols at gpay, while steam nickname has unicode symbols there.
    15:25 [Error] Web request callback raised an exception (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    15:25 [Stacktrace]   at Oxide.Plugins.GPay.GetCallback (Int32 code, System.String response, .BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.GPay+<ClaimDonatCommand>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (Int32 code, System.String response) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.<OnComplete>b__42_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5. Another error, is when someone trying to type uppercase letters, its instead being converted to lovercase by system, and then player can't claim the package.
  6. We are currently working on the update to fix these issues, unfortunately the planned update did not goto plan so it has been delayed, no eta as of yet. The new update will move to steam id instead of usernames which should fix allot of problems.
  7. Can you add ResourceID in update?
  8. Why does this plugin break my clans plugin everytime i install it? Can you make it a way of instead giving itemids that you can give people permissions for example promote someone to vip.
  9. Soccerjunki updated GPay Auto Donation System with a new update entry:


  10. I'm getting this in console whenever i try to load the mod:

    Error while compiling: GPay.cs(11,37): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `0'

    After which nothing else happens. No config file nor anything. Any suggestions?
  11. Is there any way to add the certain player to the group that he buys automatically for example if i buy vip it executes the command /chat user add "myname" vip is there any possible way to make the "myname" autocomplete itsself to what the buyers name is?
  12. Soccerjunki updated GPay Auto Donation System with a new update entry:


    Hey Zero,

    Yes you can by adding the <username> or <steamid> tags it will automatically insert the username or steam id into the command

    "command" : "Command HERE <username> OR <steamid>"
    Hi Neotic,

    I believe the latest release (1.0.1) should fix this issue.
  13. Sorted, much appreciated. Thanks for the quick response
  14. Hello, silly question but how to recover the GPAY_PROD_ID
  15. Hi,

    The GPAY_PROD_ID is the product id on the webstore -> products page.
  16. Thank you, everything works impeccably well
  17. When I type /donate it says go to...../SERVERNAME. I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple. I've looked through my setup on the website multiple times and I don't see a place to put it in the cfg.
  18. Figured it out on my own.
  19. I have changed the broadcast line but still shows the default within game, reloaded the plugin and restarted my server but still the same thing:

    You can Donate at

    Anyone able to help?
  20. Hey,

    The is located in the language file in the oxidemod -> language folder