

Total Downloads: 24,015 - First Release: Oct 26, 2014 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 39 likes
  1. what is the benefit of this plugin
    when i add friend i can kill him!!!!
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That just makes them your friend; that doesn't make you their friend.
  3. sorry i did not understand.
    what the function of this plugin
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    For other plugins to tie into to see if you are friends with a player or not.
  5. now i understand. thank you wulf
    [DOUBLEPOST=1501204978][/DOUBLEPOST]is there a conflict with:
    Friends | Oxide
  6. ... works fine but question:

    how can i set, that a added friend cant kill another added friend (teamkill = friendkill) ? is it possible ?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd need to use a plugin that handles damage, this is just the friend handling.
    No, this is just an API to tell who is a friend.
  8. name of a plugin, what can do that wulf ?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  10. Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2017
  11. hi
    my players keep getting the error that they cannot set a home on someone elses foundation and when they try to add a friend it says their list is full.
    is there a way to remove all friends from my players lists.
    this is my config file
    "Messages": {
        "AlreadyOnList": "{target} is already your friend",
        "CantAddSelf": "You cant add yourself",
        "FriendAdded": "{target} is now your friend",
        "FriendlistFull": "Your friendlist is full",
        "FriendRemoved": "{target} was removed from your friendlist",
        "HelpText": "use /friend <add|remove|list> <name/steamID> to add/remove/list friends",
        "List": "Friends {count}: ",
        "NoFriends": "You dont have friends :(",
        "NotOnFriendlist": "{target} not found on your friendlist",
        "PlayerNotFound": "Player not found"
      "Settings": {
        "MaxFriends": 30
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This plugin is the API, it has no home system.
  13. so, do i need to add another plugin or is there something i can do?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1508169365][/DOUBLEPOST]why are my players friends list full? sorry to ask so many questions, i need to get this resolved. It didn't happen before.
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Other plugins make use of this plugin, so whatever one you are using for home stuff would be the one to check with.

    "MaxFriends" in the config is what controls the amount your list can have.
  15. i found it was n-teleport plugin that uses the friends API, i set it to not use friends API but it still isn't working. The players are also getting the friends list full, how do i resolve that one.. any ideas would be appreciated.
  16. (09:40:29) | [NoRaid] FriendsAPI not detected, disabling FriendsAPI integration

    (09:40:29) | Loaded plugin NoRaid v1.1.8 by Ryan

    says the same for as well which i have both plugins installed. odd
    and yes i'm friends with another player still same error above
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That'd be an issue for those plugins, not this one. This plugin doesn't do the detection, others that use it do.
  18. ok no worries , not a deal breaker for me nor my players , just wanted to share my findings . thanks wolf
  19. Could you add steamids of the friends to the output, please? Some players can't find others, because they aren't on their steam friend list, and are offline for a long time. Asked you aboit it once, will try another chance
    private string[] GetFriendList(ulong playerId)
                var playerData = GetPlayerData(playerId);
                var players = new List<string>();
                foreach (var friend in playerData.Friends)
                    players.Add(GetPlayerData(friend).Name + "   steamid: " + friend);
                return players.ToArray();
  20. 65 Friends - Failed to compile: Friends.cs(415,141): error CS1503: Argument `#2' cannot convert `object[]' expression to type `string'

    with Oxide 2.0.3720