
NoClip Simulator for players with permission

Total Downloads: 4,903 - First Release: Aug 14, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 13, 2017

5/5, 5 likes
  1. Yeah I get kicked too for many different violations levels even when antihack.flyhack_protection 0. Anything I could do?
  2. Error while compiling: FauxClip.cs(129,14): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate
  3. Mughisi updated FauxClip with a new update entry:


  4. sweet ty, it appears I was not 'watching' my own plugin thread..crazy...so crazy.
    You will probrably have to turn off Antihack completely to use. the Antihack has been getting super picky lately trying to stop hacking.
  5. My staff cant bind noclip, anyone know why?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Rust's noclip? That isn't related to this plugin.
  7. this plugin is for noclip...
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I realize that, but this plugin provides a chat command, not console command. If you are wanting to bind Rust's noclip, then that's something else entirely in terms of how it is formatted for binding.

    Rust's no clip:
    bind n noclip
    This plugin:
    bind n "say \/noclip"
    or perhaps:
    bind n "\"say /noclip\""
  9. oh ok thanks i didnt know thats how you bind chat commands
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Might be "chat.add" instead of "say", I haven't done it for while, though is likely answered on the forums already.
  11. The chat command on this plugin has nothing to do with the built in Rust Admin console command noclip. FYI This plugin just kinda sorta simulates noclip movement.

    But to bind a chat command, I use: (there are so many ways to do it.. lol just adding another)
    example to bind P to chat command /noclip

    bind p chat.say /noclip
    You can also use, The " " is mostly usefuel if the chat command has a space between words.
    bind p chat.say "/noclip"
    if you want players to use the real noclip, you can always use my FauxAdmin plugin. That does give players access to the real noclip function. (if you are ok with the other things it gives them of course.. lol)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2018
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You need to quote and escape properly (like my examples provided previously), otherwise Rust will reset the bind.