
NoClip Simulator for players with permission

Total Downloads: 4,903 - First Release: Aug 14, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 13, 2017

5/5, 5 likes
  1. Anyway I can bind this to a key??
  2. Not currently. But I will add a console command to toggle fauxclip as well, which will allow you to bind a key then.
  3. Ok Thank you, when can we expect this??
  4. I hope to have this done this weekend. Simple as it is.. I'm out of pocket for a few days. :)
  5. Type the below into the F1 Console
    bind <key> chat.say /noclip
  6. is there a way that only players can noclip in their cpourt range?
  7. No not currently. I will try to add a option to only allow flying within cupboard range soon.
  8. would be great :D
  9. is there a way for just fly and no noclip ?
  10. lately the plugin does not work very well. Are you going to see any update?
  11. yes, I will be going over this plugin again, to see if there is anything I can do to make it work any better. I don't think there is much hope. But you never know what kinda of tweak might help just enough.

    But I would recommend using the FauxAdmin plugin if you want super smooth player flying :)
  12. Hi.Colon Blow~
    I want use this plugins with
    Admin Panel for Rust

    this is not work:
    if (FauxClip) { if (FauxClip.Call<bool>("DamageOn", player)) { BTNColorClip = btnActColor; }; };

    Do you have any advice? Thank you :)
  13. Need update? I am not able to use it now as of 1/19
  14. Colon Blow updated FauxClip with a new update entry:


  15. Is there a way to add a permission timer, so if i were to use it as a package deal with the heli pilot plugin, after say 10 minutes of no clipping take away the permission and give it a cool down timer?
  16. Hi, All!

    I am having an issue with the FauxClip Plugin for Rust, It's loaded and successfully initiated in the server, But I can't get the command:

    "oxide.grant <group|user> <name|id> fauxclip.allowed"
    to work. I'm not entirely sure what the context is for using it, I know it gives examples on the Plugin page. But it's not all that helpful.

    The way I WAS using it was as follows

    "oxide.grant Owner ClassicalMemer fauxclip.allowed" .. Which only appears with the same sentence saying "Usage: oxide.grant <group|user> <name|id>"

    I've tried various combinations of these such as:

    "oxide.grant Owner 765**********0376 fauxclip.allowed"
    "oxide.grant ClassicalMemer 765**********0376 fauxclip.allowed"

    Any help on being able to get this working would be appreciated!

    Thankyou all, Rust community!

    P.S Dev's, Keep up the amazing work!!

    - ClassicalMemer <3
  17. I see the red text at the top of the plugin description. Just to be clear, is it possible on an EAC enabled server for this to get someone banned by facepunch on all EAC enabled servers?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    grant group owner fauxclip.allowed
  19. Not sure if this has been asked but, Is there anyway to make it so some admins can't noclip through walls? Like they are prevented to do so.
    Please get back to me on this.
  20. Whenever I use the /noclip function I get kicked out of the game every time.