

Total Downloads: 3,116 - First Release: Jun 6, 2016 - Last Update: Feb 24, 2018

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  1. Hello,

    When you ban a player for example (/ban Socrate 600) it just kick people, they can reconnect immediatly...

    Plugin issue ?
  2. because you ban the player for reason "600"
    it's /ban Socrate "come back in 10 minutes" 600
  3. When user connect
    [10/25/2016 15:26:43] joined [windows/76561198287461322]
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    [10/25/2016 15:26:53] [Oxide] 15:26 [Info] [Loyalty] Assigned every online player 1 loyalty point.
    Its spamming in my console(
  4. you are using webapi when you didnt set it correctly
    if you didnt want to use it, then dont use it,
    if you want to use it, you need to create your own api
  5. But I don't use it
    Don't change WebApi
    but still getting this error from webpage.com site
  6. then you are not calling a database, but a webpage.
  7. Two current issues:

    1 ) When you temp ban a player the message isn't announced and the player is still connected until manually kicked
    2 ) When player is rejected connection from the server they are given the default ban message and not the one from EBS (because it checks native bans first?)
  8. Code:
    [Oxide] 22:09 [Error] Failed to call hook 'SetPlayerData' on plugin 'PlayerDatabase v1.0.5' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)
    I have ban one player but it is realy good added to banlist ?
  9. most likely no seeing this error
  10. Code:
    [Oxide] 22:34 [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
    [Oxide] 22:34 [Debug] at Oxide.Ext.MySql.Libraries.MySql+MySqlQuery.Handle () [0x00000] in :0
    [Oxide] 22:34 [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
    [Oxide] 22:34 [Debug] at Oxide.Ext.MySql.Libraries.MySql+MySqlQuery.Handle () [0x00000] in :0 
    Im spam with this eror to. I can you share my config, i don't understand where is the problem
  11. Appears that you haven't specified a host to the MySql server - paste your config here.
  12. [Error] EnhancedBanSystem.cs(410,34): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a definition for `GetConnectedPlayer' and no extension method `GetConnectedPlayer' of type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  13. Code:
      "Ban - Broadcast": true,
      "Ban - Default Reason": "Banned",
      "Ban - Evade": true,
      "Ban - Evade Reason": "Ban Evade",
      "Ban - Log": true,
      "Banlist - Permission": "enhancedbansystem.banlist",
      "Bans - Broadcast": true,
      "Bans - Broadcast Message": "",
      "Bans - Default Reason": "Contactez un membres du staff pour plus d'info",
      "Bans - Permission": "enhancedbansystem.ban",
      "BanSystem - 0: Both System, 1: LocalData, 2: OnlineWebRequest": 0,
      "DataType - Files - use": false,
      "DataType - MySQL - Database": "103031_sql",
      "DataType - MySQL - Host": "sql.mtxserv.fr",
      "DataType - MySQL - Pass": "****************",
      "DataType - MySQL - Port": 3306,
      "DataType - MySQL - use": false,
      "DataType - MySQL - User": "w_103031",
      "DataType - Native - use": false,
      "DataType - PlayerDatabase - IP Filename": "EnhancedBanSystem_IPs.json",
      "DataType - PlayerDatabase - use": true,
      "DataType - SQLite - Database Filename": "banlist.db",
      "DataType - SQLite - use": false,
      "DataType - WebAPI - Banlist": "http://webpage.com/banlist.php?startid={startid}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - Host": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=ban&pass=mypassword&id={id}&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&reason={reason}&source={source}&game={game}&platform={platform}&server={server}&tempban={expiration}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - IsBanned": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=isbanned&pass=mypassword&id={id}&update={update}&steamid={steamid}&ip={ip}&time={time}&name={name}&game=Rust&server=rust.kortal.org:28015",
      "DataType - WebAPI - Unban": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=unban&pass=mypassword&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&name={name}&source={source}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - use": false,
      "Denied Connection - Log": true,
      "Kick - Broadcast": true,
      "Kick - Broadcast Message": "{0} a été kick du serveur ({1})",
      "Kick - Log": true,
      "Kick - On Ban": true,
      "Kick - Permission": "enhancedbansystem.kick",
      "Online Banlist - Ban line request": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=ban&pass=mypassword&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&reason={reason}&source={source}&tempban={expiration}",
      "Online Banlist - Banlist page": "http://webpage.com/banlist.php",
      "Online Banlist - Check if banned request": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=isbanned&pass=mypassword&steamid={steamid}&ip={ip}&time={time}&name={name}",
      "Online Banlist - Check if banned request - answer no": "0",
      "Online Banlist - Check if banned request - answer yes": "1",
      "Online Banlist - Unban line request": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=unban&pass=mypassword&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&name={name}&source={source}",
      "Permissions - Ban": "enhancedbansystem.ban",
      "Permissions - Banlist": "enhancedbansystem.banlist",
      "Permissions - Kick": "enhancedbansystem.kick",
      "Permissions - Unban": "enhancedbansystem.unban",
      "Server Info - Game": "Rust",
      "Server Info - IP:PORT": "",
      "Server Info - Platform": "Steam",
      "Unban - Permission": "enhancedbansystem.unban"
    I have turn off MySql for moment use only PlayerDatabase, but with the PlayerDatabase i don't see here is the list of all banned.

    I pref MySql for simplicity :/
  14. you need to use Native if you want local banlist
  15. If I want the plugin to ban all known IPs for a user, do I need to have "DataType - PlayerDatabase - use" also set to true, or is support built in as long as I have PlayerDatabase installed?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2016
  16. the plugin will only ban the last known IP
    as it's useless to ban all known ips,because if your user changed ip,he won't get his old ip
    but if you still want to, you can use Player informations to ban all the /lastips of a player
  17. That makes sense, actually.
  18. [11/04/2016 01:03:23] [Oxide] 01:03 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'EnhancedBanSystem v5.0.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [11/04/2016 01:03:24] [Oxide] 01:03 [Error] Web request callback raised an exception (NullReferenceException: )
    [11/04/2016 01:04:10] [Oxide] 1:04 AM [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
    [11/04/2016 01:04:10] [Oxide] 1:04 AM [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
    [11/04/2016 01:04:44] [Oxide] 1:04 AM [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
    [11/04/2016 01:04:44] [Oxide] 1:04 AM [Error] MySql handle raised an exception (Exception: Connection is null)
  19. fix please
  20. EnhancedBanSystem - Failed to compile: EnhancedBanSystem.cs(1785,35): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a definition for `GetAllPlayers' and no extension method `GetAllPlayers' of type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    meeds an update