1. well tested it with the one i posted. Everything works fine.
  2. Well here's what I have in my plugins folder, maybe you can see something I missed because I uploaded it 3 times and deleted the data and config file and it still won't work for me :(

    Attached Files:

  3. Well it should work.
    You have to wait about 30seconds for the time to change
  4. lol. plug-in does not respond to commands. At least an hour wait, he does not change anything.
  5. ya I don't know what to tell you, it responds in chat and says it's going to change but never does. Maybe it's conflicting with another plugin but there's no errors from it in the log or in the remote rcon console. Anyway thanks for your help. Big update supposedly tomorrow anyway that'll probably break a good amount of plugins for a day or so anyway. So goes the way of Rust lol
  6. Clean server. Only 1 plug.
  7. you probably don't have admin rights to use the ingame plugin. that's why it's not working.
    but as you can see, the plugin does work :p
  8. well you should try other rcon commands then.
    try it with my give plugin. and tell me if the icon commands work.
  9. /give great work
    [DOUBLEPOST=1418091833][/DOUBLEPOST]all plugins work fine, except that
  10. Not /give ...
    Try in the console:
    Or something like that.
    Or /settime XX in the chat,
  11. I use a few of your plugins Reneb and they all work except for this one, I have correct permissions but it just simply does not work :( Great plugin when it did work, maybe patch broke it, not sure.


  12. Now I can not check it. But it seems to work.

    My video. 5-20 second's.... please carefully.
  13. well i'm sorry, i have no idea. works fine on my normal and dev server.
  14. Can someone post their config? For some reason this doesn't create a default one on my server...
  15. Same for me too, all console commands and chat commands also all plugins work fine except this plugin.
    Theres nothing in the log that says its not working.... Im at lost
  16. Totally forgot about this one! Still need to update it, I'll be posting it later today as I'm just about to head out to for dinner.
  17. Thats cool.. im just about to head off to bed, its 2am here :)
    Just thought Ild post before I forgot :p
  18. Mughisi updated Modify Time with a new update entry:


  19. Hello Mughisi,

    I'm using almost all your plugins, but I had removed this one when I started with Oxide cause it was causing Query Falures on my server. Now that it's been updated I decided to try again and it seems I still have the same issue. Once I install the plugin and reboot my server I just keep getting query falure after query falure and am forced to remove this plugin in order for my server to run.

    *UPDATE #1*
    So it seems I had to wait past the inital query falures. Once it settled down the server started to run smoothly again.

    *UPDATE #2*
    Doesn't work for me anyway. Says that time will change or that time has frozen, but that's about it. And yes, I'm sure I'm admin.