
Create additional custom spawn points for loot boxes of your choosing

Total Downloads: 10,277 - First Release: Jan 21, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 6, 2018

5/5, 23 likes
  1. Ah ok, sorry thought you mean the add thingy... Never tried the other one ^^
  2. I did change that, but I rolled back a little when I was having issues with boxes despawning the other day. Ill post a update shortly to change it again
  3. Sorry for popst, I´m now sure this do plugin WellFed...
    Is there possible, that plugin causes long loading in the end what is "Receiving Data" on Savas Island? It starts, when I create boxes and I´m not only one with this problem, restart server help for while, but after some time it is back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2016
  4. Trying to get this set up to feed loot to a DM Arena...
    used the command /cls create tower 24
    Box 24 appears and vanishes instantly leading to...
    the response... "You didnt place any items in the box"
  5. Any chance we could have the /cls add # command work like the CustomResourceSpawn version of the command, where you active and then you shoot where you want it, and then type /cls to reactive again?

    Also wondering if you could add the option have custom respawn timers on each box. Because currently it feels a little weird that the entire custom radtown gets its' loot refreshed at the same time. Thinking it could be another line in the LootSpawn_data.json file where the default value could be -1 and if it is -1 it'll just refresh every {ConfigRefreshValue} minutes, but if there is a time specified in the data file for a spawn it would instead refresh that often.

    It would be lovely if you could change the way it kills the previous entity if that still exists when spawning a new one as well, since with barrels currently it'll kill it in a way that drops the loot from the old one and then spawn a new on in place. Which is not ideal, at least not for us.

  6. Hello i trying to find a Xmass box spawner i saw some server when they spawn a box your hear santa's bells and then a santa pressent spawns near what plugin is this message me private if possible
  7. hello your boxes will not despawn after looting the boxes so i have 10 boxes on 1 postition .... :/ and will not despawnt after unload your plugin same with your custom resource spawns .. :/ players reports laggs i think because of this idk ^^
    [DOUBLEPOST=1462040717,1461950976][/DOUBLEPOST]hello if i typ "/cls create blau9 17" than the box for editing the loot is opining for 0,1 sec than it closed automatic and say "You didin´t place any items in the box" wtf is this? :( i need to kill myself multiply times for working .... thats so stupid .. have any an idea how to fix this?
  8. No need to act like an asshole about it. He IS doing YOU a favor. Not the other way around!
  9. sorry it was not meant unkindly, for sure he make it for us and thats really good but i only want tell him thats buggy :D and yeah i´m not good in english :) i want just tell him pls fix it :)
  10. I have already started work on a update
  11. Nice thank you :)
  12. How can i install this to my server? ( sorry i am new to this )
    where i need to put those file? in my FTP? my server is hosted by
  13. /server/my_server_identity/oxide/plugins
  14. Thanks i have to paste the downloaded file in there? or what i need to do more? to the files
    do i need an program to edit? the downloaded Files etc , ' sorry like i said i am noob on this but i wanna learn it ' sorry for the Questions mate,
    so paste those into the /server/my_server_identity/oxide/plugins and then restart? my server or? ...
  15. First you need to make sure you have Oxide installed.
    Then you just move the files you download from the site here into that folder. They will load automatically.

    If you're unsure about stuff I recommend you stay away from editing the plugin files themselves, and stick to editing the files for the plugins in the ~/oxide/configs folder. That's where the plugins with configurable settings save those, primarily. If anything else is the case they will have that information in their Overview on their download page here on the site.

    There are a multitude of resources to help you get started on the site, I'd recommend you start by exploring the forums.

  16. One More Question i installed the mods in /server/my_server_identity/oxide/plugins
    and i write example /skipnight yes nothing happening? on my server? how come i use Rusty Rcon? ..

    or how do i login on rcon ingame? or something? because when i write something in chat nothing happen? for me
  17. customlootspawns.admin

    there is a typo on the main post for permissions
  18. Here is a small video on what we created ( after the village you will the pvp zone ) :

    CLS and CRS are pure diamant ;-)

  19. /cls create bt 15

    You didnt place any items in the box

    [06/17/2016 11:56:13] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:56:13] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:56:15] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:56:25] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:56:26] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:56:29] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:57:10] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:57:12] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:57:15] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:57:33] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:57:34] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]
    [06/17/2016 11:58:01] Calling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab[0]