1. you though you test yourself that spread? :mad:
  2. You say what?
  3. I say before you upload the plugin, it should be tested! And do not upload shit!
  4. I see, well I'm pretty sure it was tested before it was placed online but you can never anticipate behavior on larger servers when you're testing. And you can never release something without bugs unless it's a simple plugin as a compass or a location plugin.

    And if you're receiving errors, you're better off putting them here so that the owner of the plugin can see them and can actually try to fix the problem instead of just ranting about having to test before releasing.
  5. today I used it the first time. I installed the latest version of Oxigin, so I installed the plugin, not touched in the config file, and got this:

    5:46 AM [Info] Loading Oxide core...
    5:46 AM [Info] Loading extensions...
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded extension Lua version 1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded extension Rust version 1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded extension Unity version 1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    5:46 AM [Info] Loading plugins...
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Airdrops (v1.1.3) by BedIntruder319
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Rust Core (v1.0.0) by Oxide Team
    5:46 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core (v1.0.0) by Oxide Team
    5:46 AM [Info] -----------------------------
    5:46 AM [Info] Airdrops: Loaded Successfully
    5:46 AM [Info] -----------------------------
    5:49 AM [Info] Airdrops: A Rust default airdrop event was prevented

    5:51 AM [Error] airdrops: A .NET exception occured in user-code
    at NLua.Lua.ThrowExceptionFromError (Int32 oldTop) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at NLua.Lua.CallFunction (System.Object function, System.Object[] args, System.Type[] returnTypes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    This is the full log, the server is 1169
  6. i get that after some time too and also see alot of parachutes in the sky where they havent deleted or something also my cmd is spammed with

    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call
  7. Due to a bug with Lua (atleast I think it's an issue with Lua :p) the first time a position is requested from an entity it returns a table instead of the required Vector3 which causes an error when you use '/airdrop <player>' for the first time (per player). Technically this isn't gamebreaking as when you call it again it will not throw the error and it'll just work.
    This is indeed a problem with the parachute destruction timers, I believe this was already reported and the developer of this plugin is looking into it.
    This isn't necessarily caused by this plugin. As explained earlier this is more an issue with Rust not being to handle certain things.
  8. Without this plugin, I have all the normal
  9. Looks like your timer error is spamming the server and creates this overflow
  10. because hes using a repeat timer to destory parachute lololol without atleast ending the timer this make infinite timers
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419683225][/DOUBLEPOST]local ParachuteTimer = timer.Once(9, function() self:DestroyParachute(Parachute, Supply_Drop) end)

    change parachute destroy timer like that and the destory func like this

    function PLUGIN:DestroyParachute(parachute, supplydrop)
    for i,sd in pairs(Parachutes) do
    if (sd[1] == Parachute) then
    Parachutes = {}

    untested in theory should work
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2014
  11. It is a repeat timer that checks the current position against the previous location and when they match the timer is destroyed, the problem with the infinite error is that one of the calls in the timer is not always receiving the correct values which causes that function to throw an error and with the current version of oxide when an error in the timer occurs it will not clear it and it will keep running.
  12. Nope. Any type of timer will throw infinite error when it breaks. No mather is it .Once or .Repeat. The best thing you can do is change local ParachuteTimer to self.ParachuteTimer and add

    function PLUGIN:Unload()
    if (self.ParachuteTimer) then
        self.ParachuteTimer:Destroy() self.ParachuteTimer = nil
    So atleast when you reload the plugin the timer will be destroyed.
  13. That won't work =D, well, in the quoted example it will, but not for the plugin :p
  14. I see a lot of you are having issues with the plugin and are getting quiet upset about it. As stated by Mughisi and Reneb, two of these errors are not caused by the plugin. The chat spam is created from the /airdrop command, and to be frank I have never seen this during my testings. The other error, the .NET exception has been pointed out to be an error with the server lagging thus causing an issue with the timers. All of the timers are destroyed as they are stored in a table and the table is set to nil.

    As many of you know it is the holidays. I cannot fix all of your issues the instant you post them. If you are having an issue you cannot live with, simply delete the plugin from your plugins folder.
  15. Well, there is most likely a problem somewhere with the parachute timer where it doesn't get the required parameters for the method call (as pointed out earlier by SPooCK) and this will most likely require a fix, also regarding your message of stating that the timers are stored in a table and you're setting the table to nil so that they are destroyed, this is actually incorrect, to destroy a timer you always need to use the variable where it is stored into and call :Destroy().

    Also want to point out to everyone else that a new snapshot for Oxide was released a few moments ago which introduced a small change to timers, now when a timer causes an error it will throw a proper error once and will then be destroyed which stops the infinite error loops.
  16. Yes, you're right, thank you! But ...

    After some time I have the same problem.
  17. i fixed it the issue i said is 100% related to your plugin

    Rcon Exception
    LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call

    console spaming that due to u using repeat timer instead of once timer on your destorying of the parachute :)
  18. Console keeps spamming it due to the fact that the error is happening in the callback function of the timer, even if that would be a timer.Once it would still continue spamming the error until the timer is destroyed. If you'd update your server to the latest Oxide Snapshot the timers will stop running once they trigger an error.
  19. now the parachute remain in sky . Is there any way to remove them ?

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