1. There is a small problem. When you restart the plugin there are 2 timers and more
  2. Well that's a pretty big issue. I'll get it patched within 2 hours.
  3. Thanx, Marry Christmas =)
  4. You too
  5. [Oxide] 9:14 PM [Error] airdrops: A .NET exception occured in user-code
    at NLua.Lua.ThrowExceptionFromError (Int32 oldTop) [0x00000] in <filename unkn
    at NLua.Lua.CallFunction (System.Object function, System.Object[] args, System
    .Type[] returnTypes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (ob
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
    Attr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Global
    ization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    maybe it will help
  6. This is an issue with either an outdated config file (each version almost always has a different config standard as I go and make new updates. Or, one of the items you added to your supplies list is not correct, that is also a cause for this issue
  7. BedIntruder319 updated Customizable Airdrop Hotfix with a new update entry:

    No More Timers

  8. Just a little side-note, the issue that was described earlier wasn't regarding server restarts but plugin reloads as the plugin creates the drop timer when it's loaded but the timer is never destroyed so it keeps running until the server restarts. When the plugin is reloaded in the meanwhile a new timer starts. So basically if you start your server and have the plugin running there will be no issues, but once that the plugin is reloaded another timer starts so now 2 crates will drop each hour (depending on the settings ofcourse), when it's reloaded another time the amount of crates that will drop increase again by one.

    What you'll need to do to fix this is actually store the timer in a variable ( droptimer = timer.Repeat(...... ) and when the plugin is reloaded/unloaded you need to destroy the timer. To capture the reload/unload event you use the hook Unload, and you basically just destroy the timer there:
    function PLUGIN:Unload()
  9. BedIntruder319 updated Customizable Airdrop Hotfix with a new update entry:

    Timer Bug Fix 2.0

    Thanks for this information. I was not aware of this and had to go back and add in the provided hook. What I had done in 1.1.2 to fix this issue was delete all of the timers by setting the timer table to nil (timers = {}).
  10. For your v1.1.3 you receive this error:
    REALM STACK IS : 1744
  11. That's not an error it's à rust warning.
    Dont think it has to do with the plugin.
    Your server was probably lagging
  12. I don't get the warning when i use version 1.1.2
  13. It only happens occasionally. I *think* what he was saying is that if your server does lag, this plugin will occasionally throw some warnings (I'm going to assume because there are timers, however I can't say this is true). No warning is good.
  14. This error is not specifically caused by a specific plugin, depending on the server resources, amount of players and plugins this warning message sometimes shows up. The main problem regarding this warning message lies within the server files and cannot be solved with a plugin without breaking other things.
  15. Hmm.. maybe my notes plugin? I don't have anyone on my server atm. I didn't get this error before, i installed v1.1.3 and the note plugin so i'll try figuring it out. I get spammed with the error in the rusty console.
  16. Spammed with it? That's interesting
  17. I've notice after few hours of running the server with your plugin the console start to spam like 3-4 messages at once from this type: LuaScriptException: invalid arguments to method call . The function that need fixing is this one: DestroyParachute(parachute, supplydrop) . You should look into it :)
  18. Is there any more information that can be provided? Does it say what method, a line number, anything?
  19. Like I said you need to fix this function DestroyParachute(parachute, supplydrop) . Something there is wrong and throw the errors. Depending on the error info probabbly would be here: UnityEngine.Vector3.Distance(position, Parachutes[index][2])
  20. My bad, my phone only loaded part of your reply and I thought it was all of it. I'll take a look when I get home.